Viewing Details, Adding and Editing Work Orders

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From the Work Orders list, use "View the Selected Order's Details" (or simply double-click an entry in the list) to open a window with full details of an entry, for instance if it's too long to fully view in the list.  This also shows the operator who made it and the time it was made.  


To Add a new entry (assuming a sufficient access level), click "Add a new Work Order" from the Work Orders list.  A blank entry will be created, where you can enter any length of note you like.


The Short description of the work order should be a brief note like "sweep pad" or "fix pipe".  If it's too long, it will make the report awkward.  Any details needed can be put in the Notes field.


You can optionally enter the Date Due, Start Date, and Done Date.  Note that the meaning of "Start Date" is up to you -- for instance it could be the date it's supposed to start, or the date that it actually started.   Any of these fields can be disabled if you don't see a need for them, to simplify the screen (see Data Field Definitions / Work Orders).


The 'Assigned to' field is free-form text, so it doesn't have to be an operator name.  This can also be disabled if you don't need it, or you could use it for something else like a company name hired to do the job.


There is a "Done" flag in addition to the Completed Date.  It's best to only have this field (checkbox) enabled if you don't enable the Completed Date (and vice versa), since a blank (unchecked) Completed Date also means it's not done.  With both, it can be confusing.  However if both are enabled, it will be considered "done" if it has a date even if the flag is not set, as well as if the flag is set even if there is no Done Date.


You can also add any number of custom User fields, just like you can for Sites, Customers, etc.  In order to add the fields to this Edit Work Order dialog, you need to use Dialog Definitions in the Advanced Customizations, creating an Add-on dialog definition for the Edit Work Order dialog.


This dialog also has a Print button, which can print either a simple list of fields (the Work Order record in grid format), or a form created for Work Orders.  There are no standard forms defined for Work Orders, but you can create your own through Advanced Customizations / Forms.  You would create one with the "Other" Form Type, and choose "Work Orders" for the Base Table.  Once created, it will be available to select in the forms list when Print is used (any number of different Forms can be created).




Further Topics:


Work Order Overview


Viewing Work Order Lists & Reports




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