Viewing the full credit card number

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Q: After upgrading I can only see the last 4 digits of credit card numbers.  How can I see the whole credit card number again?


A: One of the changes in version 4.2 is that credit card numbers are "masked" for low-level operators -- only the first digit and last 4 digits of the credit card information are visible after it's initially entered.  This was changed to increase security and for compliance with merchant rules.


Actually the masking is simply on by default for operators which don't have Administrator access, so the simple workaround is to log in as an administrator when needed.  Administrators will still see the full number (so of course it's important to make sure that clerks don't know an Administrator level login).  


One other exception is that the credit card number in the Reservation Guarantee Info will be visible by Manager level operators as long as the reservation is not yet checked in or cancelled, so for instance a cancellation charge can be put on the card by a manager if needed.  Be sure to get the card information before you actually cancel the reservation, though, since it's masked after cancellation.  


You can also change these access levels if you prefer --  just be aware of the security implications if you do.  In Maintenance / Park Setup / Access Levels, look for the series of functions that start with "CC number masking --" and change them as needed.


Note that if you're processing credit cards through Campground Master then it's not necessary to see the full card number in order to put a Payment or Deposit on that previously entered card, in which case there's little reason for anyone to be able to see the full card number.



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