Showing Reservation Details before check-in

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This example shows how to use an Event Action to automatically open the Reservation Details dialog when checking in a customer.  (Version 4.0 or later required.)  This may be useful if you want to review the information before doing the check-in.  


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Event Actions.


2. Click Add Event Action.


3. Enter an Action Name, like "Resv Details before check-in".


4. For the Event Trigger, select "Check in reservation, before".


5. For the Action expression, enter:




That's all there is to it.


To get fancier and only do this only under certain conditions,such as not having How-heard filled in, with a message beforehand to indicate why it's going to Details, then use this Action expression (be sure to copy it exactly -- every quote and back-slash is important):


iifq(Resv:Resv_HowHeard = "", 'Evalq(\'MessageBox("How-Heard has not been set!  Please set it in the following Reservation Details window.")\', \'EditReservation(ThisResv())\')','.F.')


There are a lot of other possibilities, and potentially you could even use this to abort the check-in if conditions still aren't met after editing the reservation details.


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