Voiding Credit Card Transactions

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This section only applies if you have credit card processing enabled, so that the credit card transactions are processed through Campground Master.  Otherwise, credit card payment transactions can simply be deleted like any other transactions (and with the same restrictions depending on your access level).


If you do have credit card processing enabled (and the Credit Card Processing Setup indicates that Voids are possible through your processing software), then removing credit card transactions requires that the transaction be Voided before it's settled with your merchant processor.  After a credit card payment (or refund) has been processed and approved, it usually cannot be deleted without the Void procedure.  To do this, you simply highlight that payment or refund on the Transactions dialog  -- the button that's normally "Deleted Selected Item(s)" will change to "Void Selected CC Item", so click this button.  A Void dialog will open with the credit card information, and you can submit the void transaction for processing.  


Note that you might not be allowed to Void a transaction, or may only be allowed to Void it before the Transactions are Saved, depending on your operator access level.


Administrator note:  In addition to the access level setting for voiding, the access level for "CC Processing - Delete (or Void if same day) 'old' processed transactions" must also be set appropriately.  Otherwise the Void button will not be enabled for the operator because a Void also deletes the transaction.


The Void process is similar to processing payments -- it requests the void from the processing software, and shows a response.  It can also be aborted if necessary.


If you've enabled the option to automatically print credit card slips, then a "VOID" slip will be printed when it's processed.  However there's no way to print one manually, since the transaction is deleted from the system after the Void is processed.


There may be an additional option on the Void dialog to delete the transaction without processing the Void.  This is restricted depending on your operator access level (see Maintenance / Park Setup / Access Levels), and should only be used in situations where you must delete the transaction from Campground Master but cannot get the Void processed automatically.  If the Void cannot be processed for legitimate reasons (e.g. the batch has already been settled), then you should cancel the Void process and enter a Refund transaction instead.


"Full Reversals" -- If you're using PC Charge for the processing software, you may have the option (depending on your merchant processors) support "Reversal" transactions.  These are similar to a Void for an unsettled payment, but a Reversal immediately releases the hold on the customer's funds without waiting for a settlement.  Reversals also work with pre-paid cards, where Void transactions may not.  If this option is available (as selected in the PC Charge setup), a new button "Process card (Full Reversal)" will appear on the dialog.  Use that button instead of the "Process card (Void)" button to do a reversal transaction.  


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/voidingcreditcardtransactio.html

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