"No Site" cells on the Rack

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Q: Why is "No Site" all over the Rack, and how do I fix it?


A: This is covered in the documentation (and there's a quick answer shown when you right-click on one of the No Site cells), but we still get quite a few calls about this because it can be scary the first time it happens.  So we're repeating the information here so hopefully you won't be startled when it happens.


Occasionally you may see "No Site:1" (or some other number) in a cell that should otherwise be open. (If the number won't fit in the cell, you will see the "..." ellipsis and can place the mouse over the cell to see the full number.)  This indicates that there are reservations for this date which have not been assigned sites, and this will appear in every open site cell for each date that has unassigned reservations. This is essentially a warning that you should not fill the open sites for that date until the unassigned reservations have been assigned sites, or that you should at least leave enough sites open to satisfy the unassigned reservations -- or that you've made a mistake and created a reservation without a site assigned to it.


To assign a site to the reservation or to cancel accidental unassigned reservations, you can go to the Unassigned Tab View where they will be listed for the date range selected.  Alternatively you can right-click on a "No Site" cell on the Rack and select "View Unassigned reservations for this date".  From there you can view the Reservation Details for any unassigned reservations and use "Assign or Change Site" to assign it to the proper site.  Alternatively if it's an accidental duplicate you can Cancel or Delete the reservation.



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