Zip Codes

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(Accessed through Maintenance / Program Options / Zip Codes.)


The automatic zip-code lookup functionality in Campground Master helps speed customer data input.  This will be enabled for both U.S. and Canada zip codes.  If your customers are rarely from these countries, you can disable one or both of the lookup functions.


Enable Zip-code lookup for the U.S. -- You can disable this if needed, so it won't attempt to do a lookup when an zip code is entered.


Fill in the "Country" with -- If you want the country to be filled in for U.S. addresses, enter the desired text here (e.g. "United States" or "US").


Enable Postal-code lookup for Canada -- You can disable this if needed, so it won't attempt to do a lookup when a Canadian postal code is entered.


Fill in the "Country" with -- If you want the country to be filled in for Canadian addresses, enter the desired text here.


Use UPPER case city names -- Check this box if you want the city names to be entered as all upper case letters.


Data loaded -- This simply shows the number of zip/postal codes it knows, to confirm that the correct code data has been loaded.  Note that this data comes from the file "zipcodes.dat", which must be located in the same folder as the Campground Master executable file.  The data is loaded into memory when the program is started.  If you do not want any automatic lookup functionality, this file can be deleted to minimize the amount of RAM used.



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