Changing vehicle field labels

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While it's not obvious, it is possible to change the labels for the vehicle fields on the dialogs and on the Ticket Form receipt, e.g. "Rig", "Car 1", "Model", "Color", etc.  This can be useful if you're a marina instead of a campground, for instance.


Some of the field labels can be changed in Data Field Definitions, which you may have already tried.  But because the dialogs and the Ticket Form receipt don't show the separate labels for each vehicle field, the rest require special handling.  We have set it up so they can be changed through the Settings table.


Go to Maintenance / Raw Data Tables / Park Setup / Settings.


Sort the Section column (click on the header) to make it easy to find the entries in the "Vehicles" section.  


Locate those settings and edit the "Value" as needed.  (Don't forget to check the "Allow editing of fields" box).  The Key gives you some clue as to what each value is used for.  The ones that start with "Ticket" are for the printed Ticket Form, and the ones that start with "Search" are for the Find Customer selection list.  The "MoreButton" and "MoreTitle" entries are for the button in Customer Details and the title of the more-vehicles entry dialog.


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