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What's New

 New version released, version 4.3.3


Q & A

 Retrieving credit card information

 Guarantee Info missing the CVV entry field

 Changing the price of an item at check-out

 Printing a report with readable text (text too small)

 Reporting the number of reservations made

 Tracking E-mail confirmations sent

 Reporting taxable sales

 Selecting sites by rig length

 Handling a returned (bounced) check

 Changing access levels for Tab Views


Tips & Techniques

 Getting an E-mail list of people checked in

 Adding a custom "Thank You" message on receipts

 Adding # of Nights to the On Site tab view

 Changing a reservation's color if there's a note on it

 Changing network "Master" computers

 Solving network synchronization troubles


Page URL

Campground Master Home