Database Options |
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(Accessed through Maintenance / Program Options / Database. This portion of the Program Options dialog will only be available if you're logged in with an Administrator access level.)
Current database path -- This shows the complete disk and directory path of the currently open database. The database name itself isn't shown, but you can see the database name in the program's caption bar. This field is not editable -- to open a different database, use the File / Open function from the main menu.
Auto-open database file and path -- This shows the complete path and the file name of the default database, which opens automatically every time the program starts (unless another file is specified in the command line of the shortcut icon, as in the case of the Demo icons). This is generally set when the New Database function is done to start a new one, or the first time a File / Save a Copy As is done with a name other than "demo". The only way to change the auto-open database is to open the desired database and click the "Change" button below this field.
Change the Auto-open database to the Current database -- This button will change the setting above, so the currently open database will be used as the default from now on. This should only be done if you're sure that the current database is what you want all future changes to go to.
Automatically save the database after each action -- This option is enabled by default, so that the database is saved to the computer's hard disk after every action -- for instance, after every new reservation, check-in, transaction, or anything else that changes the database. Note that it's saved after every main dialog is closed, not while working in the dialog. You can also set it to wait for a certain number of seconds of inactivity (see below). It's preferred to leave this function enabled and set to 0 seconds so it saves immediately after every change, to minimize the chance of data loss in the case of a malfunction or power loss. However you may need to turn it off or set it to delay a number of seconds if you see it taking a noticeable amount of time to save the database, due to a slow computer or large database (watch the Status Bar to see how long it shows "Saving database...") You may also wish to disable this option if you are experimenting or making changes that you're not sure you want to keep, so you could reload the previous database without saving the new changes.
...but wait for ___ seconds if inactivity -- This can be set for the auto-save function above, so that it waits until the computer is idle (no mouse or keyboard input) for a number of seconds before it saves the database. See the comments for the "Automatically save" setting above. Also note that this delay can be overridden by the minimum delay set in the Network Setup, if you have the Networking option.
Include Map images and Form bitmap files -- With this option enabled, any map image files used (through Maps Setup) and any bitmap files used on custom Forms are included in all compressed backups, and will be automatically restored if a Restore is done to an existing database. (However if the "current" database location is not known, as when restoring to an <UNTITLED> database, then the image files are not restored because the correct location is not known.) Note that this also includes the files in the "Request a full database refresh" networking function, so this can be used to copy or update Maps and Form bitmaps from the master to the client computers.
Secondary auto-backup path -- Normally an auto-backup is saved each day to the same folder as the database. As mentioned elsewhere, this is mainly for quick auto-recovery and not a substitute for a good backup plan. Here you can select a path where it will make an additional auto-backup, which could be a cloud service, external hard drive, or shared network drive for instance. Note that it does not auto-delete older backups from the secondary location like it does the main location. The user must manage clean-up themselves if needed. Also note that this setting is computer-specific (you can set it on one or multiple workstations, and you must set it up again if you change computers).
Remind me to back up the database every ... days -- When the program is closed, it will remind you to back up the database if you haven't done a manual backup in so many days. By default this is 3, and we recommend no longer than that. But if you have an automated backup system in place for the entire system, you may decide to turn this reminder off (set it to 0) or make it longer as needed. Note that this is 24-hour periods, so if you set it to 1 day then it will remind you every day when you shut down, unless it has been less than 24 hours since the previous backup.
Automatically delete logs after ... days (0 to 999 days) -- Depending on your disk space, you may want to have the program automatically delete the oldest history logs automatically. This also applies to the automatic database backup files that are created each day. The size of the log files depends on the amount of activity each day, but generally a 30-day history is only a few megabytes. You should keep at least 7 days of logs available in case a restore is needed. You can also set this value to 0 to completely disable log deletion -- however, the automatic database backups will never be deleted in less than 7 days unless the hard disk is getting full.
Delete all old log files (except today) and Delete ALL log files -- These should only be done if directed by technical support, and only if you're sure that a verified working backup is available. These functions will delete all logs except the current day, and is typically only used to solve problems with network synchronization due to excessive log size (e.g. when a workstation has been offline for a long period of time). Without the log files, networking cannot automatically synchronize individual changes made on each workstation, so the server may need to send the entire database to each client.