Changing the Check-In and Check-Out Times

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Q: How do I change the check-out time (shown on the receipts) from 1:00 PM to 11:00 AM ?


A: That's changed in the Park record, through Maintenance / Park Setup / Parks.  


If you have multiple parks defined then they can have separate check-in and/or check-out times.  This can be useful if you have different times for cabins than for RV sites, for instance.  You can Add another park record (being sure to copy ALL fields exactly including the Authorization Code), then change the "Short name" for identification purposes (e.g. "Cabins"), then set the check in/out times accordingly.  Finally, go to the Sites setup and select the appropriate Park for each site that should be part of the new "park".



UPDATE -- In later versions, it's also possible to override the times for each site individually.  Refer to the documentation for Site Setup for details.

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