Receipt transactions overwriting the bottom text

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Q: When I print a statement for a long-term customer, sometimes the transactions overwrite part of the notice at the bottom of the page, instead of going to a second page.  How can I fix that?


A: If you don't need the statement to include their entire history, then you can have it limit the transactions printed (using the "Print Only Some Transactions" button, with the various options next to it, instead of the "Print Reservation Receipt (All)" button.  If you're using a version prior to 4.0, this is the only option.  However in version 4.0 and later, it can print multiple pages.  The problem is that the default number of transactions per page doesn't work for all situations, e.g. if you've added more text in the notice at the bottom, or changed the "Starting position" value for the bottom text.  To correct this so it goes to another page sooner, go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Forms.  Select the receipt format you use, and click Edit Selected Form.  Reduce the "Trans. rows/page" value until it gives the results you need.  (Be careful not to make any other changes in the form definition unless you fully understand how they affect it.)



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