Receipts not showing the amount or correct date

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Q: Our receipts and credit card slips on the 3" printer aren't showing the dollar amounts (and/or not showing the correct transaction time).


A: This is usually due to the printer settings not being correct for 3" paper -- the amount is being "printed" but is simply too far over to the right to see, and the time you're seeing is probably in the credit card details (not the receipt time-stamp), which is the UTC time for credit card auditing purposes, not the local time.


1. You need to set the correct paper size for the 3" printer.  If it's set for normal letter size paper, it will space things accordingly -- then everything to the right of 3" is getting chopped off.  Fix this through File / Printer Setup / Receipt Printer (3" paper) - Using a Windows Driver.   Select the correct paper size for 3" wide paper, which is typically something like 78mm wide.


2. Another way to fix it is to select the "Fixed-Pitch" version of the credit card slip format, so it prints that format instead.  See File / Printing Options / Credit Cards to select this receipt format by default.  Then you will get a better version of the slip and the paper width settings won't matter.



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