Color-coding reservation restriction violations

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(From Newsletter #47, Feb 4, 2019)

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DISCLAIMER: This article involves Advanced Customizations, which can be technically challenging to get working and is not part of standard support.  This is programming and must be done precisely or the results can be unpredictable.  This information is provided as a service for those who have the technical skills to work through it -- we cannot help you solve any issues with getting it working.  For more information about Advanced Customizations, see the full documentation:




The new version 10.0 Reservation Restrictions feature is handy for catching problems with new reservations, for instance 3-day minimum holiday stays.  However it can be even better to be able to notice any issues with reservations already added, either because they were added before the restrictions were implemented, or because the restriction was bypassed with a higher access level.


You can add a Color Scheme rule for this, so for instance they will show up in Red on the Rack or other tab views.


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Color Schemes.


2. If you already have a custom Color Scheme set up for reservations, select it and click "Edit scheme definition".  Otherwise, click "Add scheme definition", and give it a name like "Reservations override". Note that only one Color Scheme can be used to override the normal reservations colors, so if you have multiple types, etc. then the rules for all of them need to be defined in this one scheme.


3. Select the Default scheme "Reservations".


4. Click "Add Color Rule", or if editing an existing scheme then select the first rule and click "Insert Rule" to put the new one at the top.


5. Enter a Color Rule Name, e.g. "Fails Restrictions".


6. In the expression editing area (big white box), enter this expression exactly:


 !ResvCheckRestrictions(Resv(), 0, .F., .T., .T., .T., .F.)


Don't worry about what all of this means for now -- basically this is telling it to use the color if the reservation fails any restriction or warning for any operator, but not actually pop up a message about it.  Just make sure you enter it exactly as shown -- don't forget the exclamation at the front, don't insert any spaces before the parenthesis, and make sure all periods and commas are exactly as shown.


7. Use the Change Text Color and/or Change Background Color buttons to set an appropriate color for these (e.g. red background, black text).


8. Now once the scheme is complete and you Save it, there's one more thing you need to do -- make this scheme the default for reservations. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Select Global Color Schemes, and select the scheme you just created in the drop-down list after "Override reservation names with color scheme:".



Now your new colors should be used on the Rack and other tab views, wherever a reservation name is normally colored. The Color Key will also show your new definitions along with the default ones, in case the operators need a reference.  You can also edit the new colors directly from the Color Key.


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