Site "Dirty" Functionality

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The Site field "Dirty" is disabled by default because it's primarily useful for motels and inns, so most parks don't need the functionality.  When it is enabled (through Data Field Definitions), quite a few extra menu items, report options, etc. are added.


The purpose of the "Dirty" flag for Sites is to indicate motel rooms needing cleaned after guest check-out.  When this field is enabled, a "Dirty" checkbox will be added to Site Details next to the "More Site Attributes" button.  


Here are the key features of the Dirty field when it's enabled:


A column indicating dirty sites can be added to the Rack -- see the Rack Options.

The right-click menus will have "Mark as dirty"/"Mark as clean" options, so you don't have to go to Site Details to change it.

You can add a Dirty column to the other Tab views (Arrivals, Departures, etc), through their Options.

Several options for quickly setting multiple sites as clean or dirty will be available if you right-click the Site name or Dirty flag on the list-type Tab views (Arrivals, Departures, etc).

The New Reservation dialog has a "Hide dirty sites" checkbox (above Use Preferences), so for walk-ins you can list only those sites that are clean.

An option can be enabled to automatically set the Dirty flag when a reservation is checked out (see Program Options / Functions).

If you use Scheduled sites (e.g. for hourly rentals or tours), you can optionally disable the automatic Dirty function for those (see Program Options / Functions). This also applies to manual functions that set multiple sites dirty at once, e.g. setting all checked-out sites dirty from the Departures tab.

There are Access Levels for various functions which allow selecting what operator level is required to set sites dirty or clean, or set multiple sites dirty/clean, etc.

A warning can be shown if you attempt to Check In a reservation on a site that's dirty (see Program Options / Prompts).

Housekeeping report -- A column is added for Dirty, and an option to Hide dirty sites.  A right-click menu allows setting the flags as dirty or clean for various situations (e.g. mark all pending arrivals as dirty, mark all checked out dirty, etc...)

You can select a Global Color Scheme for the Dirty column ("header") on the Rack.  Creating the color scheme for this would be up to you, but it's one of the easiest possible Color Schemes -- just create a new color scheme, select None as the default scheme, and add a rule with "Site:Site_Dirty" as the expression (no quotes).  Then of course choose that new scheme in Select Global Color Schemes for the dirty column scheme.



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