Adders Mapping

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This is accessed through Maintenance / Online Reservations / Hercules / Hercules Setup, Parsing tab, and click the Adders mapping button.


Hercules uses "Adders" for extra add-on fees and values like # adults, # children, # pets, etc.  This function is used to convert their Adders into field values and/or transactions in Campground Master.  For instance, the # Adults adder needs to be mapped into the # Adults field for the reservation.


The key here is that you need to know the "Adder ID" from Hercules for each adder used for your online reservations setup.  These vary by account, so you need to find out what your Adder ID's are from Hercules.



The process is as follows:


1. Enter a Hercules Adder ID to map.


2, Enter a Description (optional -- this is for your own reference).


3. Select the corresponding Reservation Field in the drop-down list.  Use the "(none)" option if no field needs to be set, but you want to specify a transaction to be added.


4. If a field was selected, select the Value to set field to in the next drop-down list, or enter a value.  For preference fields like 50A that have pre-defined values (e.g. "Must Have" or "Must Not Have"), you should select from the drop-down list.  If the field is a numeric or text field, you can either enter a fixed value or choose an option from the list to copy the Qty as-is from the Hercules adder, or to use the Qty with an adjustment.


5. If "Use Qty from adder, with adjustment" was selected in the step above, then enter an Adjust qty by amount.  This would be used for instance if you have an adder for "# vehicles" on Hercules, but in Campground Master it's used for "Extra vehicles", meaning that one vehicle is allowed and Extra vehicles only needs to be set to the amount more than one.  Thus you would enter a -1 (negative 1) in the Adjust qty by field, so it sets "Extra Vehicles" to one less than the "# Vehicles" adder qty.


6. If the field selected in step 4 was a text field, you will have the option to Append to the existing text in the field.  Check this option if you don't want to overwrite other data in the field, such as Notes.


7. If applicable, check the Only use if Qty is greater than option and enter the amount.  This allows you to have it skip the field setting if the adder qty won't matter.  For instance in the Extra Vehicles example above, you would enable set this option and set it to 1, so that it only applies if the "# Vehicles" Adder qty is more than 1.


8. If you want a memo transaction added for the adder, select the transaction type in the Add a Transaction for the adder as list.  You can choose a normal Memo or a Printable Memo (which would appear on the customer's receipt).  Keep in mind that you will often be adding Charge transactions as well, for the real charges, so the Memo transactions are not required -- but they can be handy for verification since the Memo can show the amount charged on Hercules for the adder.


9. If adding a transaction, you can enter a Transaction item description.  If this is left blank, a default description will be used that includes the adder ID, description, qty and amount from Hercules.  Since these are often more lengthy than desired, you can enter a shorter description here.  You can use "place holders" in the description that will be replaced by adder information.  For instance, entering "Adults:%Q% = %A%" here would result in a description like "Adults:3 = $6.00".


10. Click Add Mapping.  The details of the mapped value will appear in the bottom list.


11. Repeat for all adder ID's that might be used on Hercules, then click Save.  



Mapping Notes


If an Adder is received from Hercules that is not mapped, it will be added to the reservation as a generic Memo transaction.  This allows you to see the information in the Reservation, including the Adder ID, so you can set a field if needed and go back and correct the mappings for next time.


If you need to change a mapping, select it from the bottom list and click Delete/Edit.  It will be removed from the bottom list, but it will also be selected automatically in the fields above, so all you have to do is make any changes needed and click Add Mapping again.


Multiple mappings may be created for the same Hercules Adder ID, for instance if you need to set multiple fields for it.




Further Topics:


Setting up for Hercules












Operations (handling errors, etc.)


Retrieving Online Reservations and Uploading Availability (Manual mode)




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