Hercules Setup - Reservations

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This is accessed through Maintenance / Online Reservations / Hercules / Hercules Setup, Reservations tab.  These are various options related to how online reservations are converted to Campground Master reservations, plus a couple options that affect the online site availability.


Default status to use for imported reservations -- You can choose whether the online reservations are created as Pending, Confirmed, or Guaranteed.  Since payment is taken online for the reservations, the Guaranteed status is recommended.


Confirmation # format -- This allows you to specify the confirmation number formatting in Campground Master.  You can keep this the same as the Hercules confirmation/order number by entering <O> here (a special tag for inserting the Online Order ID).  Or you can use other formatting options to keep it similar to other reservations in Campground Master, or perhaps add a prefix so you know it's a Hercules order -- such as "RF-<O>" so it looks like RF123456.  For full details on formatting options, see the Confirmation # formatting under Maintenance / Program Options / Format Options.  The only difference here is the availability of the <O> tag as mentioned above.


Reservation Type for online reservations -- Select the reservation type to use for reservations made on Hercules.  This would typically be "Normal", or whatever you've named your normal reservation type (see Maintenance / Pick Lists / Reservation Types).  You could add a special type if you like, but remember that a new type would also need to be configured in your Rates setup so the correct rates apply.


If reservation is (X) nights or longer, use the type -- This option allows you to have a 2nd reservation type automatically applied if the reservation is longer than a certain number of nights.  This might be used for instance if you use a custom "Weekly" type for any reservation 7 days or longer.  While this could be used for monthlies, it might not be as easy to configure since each month is a different length.


Operator name to use -- You can enter any text you like for the operator name to be shown for the reservation and also any of the transactions automatically added for the reservation.  If this is left blank, the transaction and reservation will be recorded with the operator logged in at the time the reservation is processed -- which is not recommended, especially if automatic processing is enabled.



Settings to use for online deposit transactions:


Online reservations will import with a Deposit transaction, showing the payment made online.  Here you can specify the description and Payment Method to be used for the deposit.  


Item description -- You can enter the transaction description to show (e.g. on receipts) for the deposit.  If the this is left blank, it will default to the payment method name.


Payment Method -- You should set up a special Payment Method for online reservations and select it here, so reports and QuickBooks exporting, if used, will keep the online payments in a separate account appropriately.  If you first started using Campground Master at version 5.0 or later, then there is already an "Online" payment method defined that you can select.  Otherwise, you can add your own to use here (see Maintenance / Pick Lists / Payment Methods). Don't leave this setting with the default payment method selected (e.g. "Cash")!  




Further Topics:


Setting up for Hercules












Operations (handling errors, etc.)


Retrieving Online Reservations and Uploading Availability (Manual mode)




Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/reservationfriendsetup-res.html

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