Hercules Setup - Availability

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This is accessed through Maintenance / Online Reservations / Hercules / Hercules Setup, Availability tab.  These options affect the availability of sites for online reservations.


Owner reservations make the site unavailable for online reservations -- If you use the "Owner" reservation type, then this setting depends on the way you use Owners in Campground Master.  If Owner reservations are on sites truly owned by someone and available for sub-letting to overnight campers, etc. when the owner is not present, then this option should not be checked.  Thus it's available online as long as there isn't another reservation on top of it (and this also requires you to make normal or Free Stay reservations on the site when the owner is actually present, to avoid double booking).  However if you use the Owner type for other situations, such as a Seasonal, where the site should not be occupied by anyone but that one person, then you should check this option to keep it unavailable for online reservations.


Special dates unavailable for online reservations -- This allows you to block all sites from online reservations on certain dates.  This might be a season, special event, or some other reason that you don't want any online reservations on any site.  (While this setting affects all sites, there is also a Site field that allows you to set unavailable dates for individual sites.)  Take care when using this setting, as entering it incorrectly could result in all sites being blocked online for all dates, or not blocked on the dates you expect.  After changing this setting and allowing the synchronization to occur, we recommend that you verify the dates through your account on Hercules (through their web interface).  You can enter single dates, a date range, or any number of date ranges.  You can also enter dates or ranges without a year, so it repeats each year.  For more information on the format of this setting, see the details for setting the Season Dates under Maintenance Functions / Park Setup Functions / Edit Site Details.


Max future days to upload  for "unavailable" status" -- The recommended setting is 1096 days (3 years).  While someone could technically make a reservation online for a date more than 3 years in advance, it's not likely.  This setting determines how far in the future that "season" or "unavailable" dates for sites (or the unavailable dates setting above) affect the online availability, particularly if you use date ranges without the year included (so they apply to every year in the future, forever).  The larger you make this number, the longer a full synchronization upload could take -- otherwise it does not affect normal operations.




Further Topics:


Setting up for Hercules












Operations (handling errors, etc.)


Retrieving Online Reservations and Uploading Availability (Manual mode)





Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/reservationfriendsetup-ava.html

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