Debit Options

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These functions are accessed through Maintenance / Credit Cards / Processing Setup, and clicking the "Debit Options" button (only available if "X-Charge XpressLink" is selected as the processing software used).


Enable Debit Card processing -- This must be enabled to allow "Processing" of debit cards as debit transactions (e.g. with PIN # entry).  If this is not checked, you can still process debit cards as credit cards (no PIN entry, with higher transaction fees).


Allow cash back from debit cards -- This enabled the "Cash Back" entry on the Enter Payment dialog, so cash-back transactions can be processed for debit cards.  Note that this can be enabled even if not processing cards through Campground Master -- this allows entry of cash back for accounting purposes, presuming that you're doing the appropriate processing outside of Campground Master.  Also note that there is an Access Level setting hat can be set to limit cash-back options to certain operators.


Limit dollar amount of cash back -- If an amount is entered here, then the Cash Back amount cannot be larger than this amount.  This assumes that debit cards are processed through Campground Master -- if not, then the limit is ignored.  If no value is entered here, then there is no limit.



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