Basic Setup - Cayan MerchantWARE Web

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(If you're getting an error when processing, see the Troubleshooting section at the bottom)


MerchantWare Web services can be used with your own merchant service account, or you can use Cayan's own merchant services.  Be sure to contact Cayan for a quote to see which is a better deal for you.


Using the MerchantWare gateway with 3rd party merchant services


If you're using MerchantWare Web services as only a gateway to your own merchant service, then you will first need to contact Cayan to get a gateway account set up (see our web site for current contact information).  Then you will need to put your merchant service agent in touch with Cayan (ask Cayan how to do that), so they can configure the gateway with your merchant account information.  Campground Master is not involved in that part -- do not have your merchant services agent contact us directly, we cannot help them in any way.  The only thing you need for Campground Master is the gateway account credentials (Name, Site ID, and Key).  The rest of the setup is explained below.


Using the "Genius" terminal -- EMV/chip cards, Debit, etc.


Cayan has a special terminal to allow various advanced forms of processing, including EMV/chip cards, Debit/PIN cards, and even ApplePay.  You will need to contact Cayan and get the terminal equipment from them.  Once this is set up, just enable it in Campground Master and enter its IP address and it will integrate seamlessly.


Note: The Genius terminal requires a hardwired Ethernet connection to your LAN (router), so if the only network connection at the POS location is WiFi, it will not work.  It also requires access to the internet (as does Campground Master).

IMPORTANT:  You cannot process cards on one terminal from multiple workstations at the same time -- attempting to do so will cause errors and possibly incorrect approvals.  While you can share a terminal with multiple workstations, it is up to the operators to make sure that the terminal is not currently processing a transaction form another workstation before starting another one.



MerchantWare setup in Campground Master


Here are the steps for setting it up for MerchantWare, for use with Cayan's merchant services or with another merchant service.


Network users: Note that settings are workstation-specific, so this must be done on each computer.  However if you set it up and get it working on the Master computer first, then you can use the "Copy settings form the Master workstation" button on each client to auto-copy all of the applicable settings in one step. Then the only thing you may need to adjust is the Genius terminal IP address (each terminal has a unique address).


1.In Campground Master, go to Maintenance / Credit Cards / Processing Setup, and check the "Enable..." box
2.Select "Cayan MerchantWARE Web" for the type of Processing Software Used.
3.Click the MerchantWARE Settings button, and enter the 3 MerchantWare Credentials values -- the Name, Site ID, and Key given to you by Cayan.
4.To use the new Genius services (Genius "CED" terminal and/or Transport.Web as backup), check "Use Genius protocol".  This allows you to process a payment without entering the card information in Campground Master (click the "Process" button before entering a card number), which is more secure.
5.If you have the physical Genius terminal, check the "Genius terminal present" box and enter the IP address of the terminal to be used with this workstation.
6.The other options here may be left as the defaults (see settings details below for details).  Click "Save" to return to Processing Setup.
7.Make sure "AVS enabled" and "CVV2/CVC enabled" are both selected, since these are required for MerchantWare.
8.Set other options as desired in the Credit Card Processing Setup dialog (see Processing Setup Options).


For networked setups, simply repeat the steps above on each computer, or use the "Copy settings from the Master workstation" button and then set your specific Genius terminal IP address (if applicable).  


Note: Each computer must have access to the Internet.



Additional Transaction Categories:


When processing payments through Genius, additional features may be available that allow the customer to add a Tip, Surcharge, or Donation through the terminal (contact Cayan for details about enabling and using these).  If this happens, Campground Master will add a corresponding Charge transaction, and will expect an appropriate Transaction Category to be available.  Therefore you must add Transaction Categories (see Maintenance / Pick Lists) with the exact Selection Names of "Tip", "Surcharge", and "Donation" as needed.  Otherwise it will use the first category in the pick list, which will be confusing to you and the customer.



MerchantWare Settings Dialog


Various MerchantWare options are accessed through Maintenance / Credit Cards / Processing Setup, and clicking the "MerchantWARE Settings" button (only available if "Cayan MerchantWare Web" is selected as the processing software used).


Name -- Set to the Name given to you by Merchant Warehouse.  It must match exactly.


Site ID-- Set to the Site ID given to you by Merchant Warehouse.  It must match exactly.


Key -- Set to the Key given to you by Merchant Warehouse.  It must match exactly.


Use Genius Protocol -- Check this to use the newer Genius protocol, including a Genius terminal and/or Transport.Web secure web page entry of credit card information.


Genius CED terminal present -- Check this box if you're using a Genius CED (Customer Entry Device) terminal at this workstation.


Disable direct credit card entry on Enter Payment dialog -- Check this if you want to prevent keying and swiping cards directly in Campground Master.  This increases security by keeping Campground Master out of "scope" for PCI compliance (unless you enter cards in the Guarantee Info).  This only applies if you use Genius protocol, since without Genius you must enter or swipe cards in Campground Master to process them.


Genius terminal IP address -- Set this to the IP address of the terminal that will be used with this computer.  If you didn't make a note of it when setting up the terminal, see below.  It should be set to a "static" IP address so it won't change if your router loses power (the directions that came with your terminal explain how to do this).  Also, here is a procedure for finding the IP address, but we can't guarantee that it's correct for all terminals (contact Cayan for details if this doesn't work):

1.    From the Idle Screen press "0 0 0"  (zero-zero-zero) on the key pad.
2.    Using the keypad enter your Genius CED password (9416557).
3.    Press the Green enter button on the keypad.
4.    "IP Address" is the first display setting.
5.    Press the Red cancel button on the key pad to return to the idle screen.


Stage connect/response timeouts -- The number of seconds it should wait for successful connection and for getting a response from the MerchantWare server when requesting a transaction key for a Genius transaction.  Defaults are 10 and 30 seconds, respectively.


Terminal connect/response timeouts -- The number of seconds it should wait for successful connection and for getting a response from the Genius terminal device.  Defaults are 10 and 180 seconds, respectively.  Note that the response timeout must be large enough to allow for the customer to decide what to do, get through all of the prompts, sign, etc..


Other settings -- The remainder of the settings on this dialog should only be changed if directed by support staff.  Changing them may keep the processing from functioning properly!  In case they accidentally get changed, here are the correct defaults (as of the time of this publication):


 Endpoint domain:

 Port:                        443

 Endpoint path:                v4/transportService.asmx




MerchantWARE Troubleshooting


Here are some common error messages when processing with MerchantWare, and their cause or remedy:


Invalid Credentials (or similar message indicating an unknown user, customer, or merchant) -- double-check the Merchant Name, Merchant Site ID and Merchant Key fields and make sure they match what you were given.


Any 4-digit error code, like code 1007 -- These error codes come from Merchant Warehouse's processor, so you need to contact them to find out what it means.


Refunds not processed ("missing reference") -- Contact Merchant Warehouse and have them set your account to allow returns without the original reference.



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