E-mail database and logs to support

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This function is found under the Help menu.  For certain technical support issues, you may be requested to use this function to send a copy of your database files and/or other files to support technicians for diagnosis.  This function makes it easy to do so.


NOTE: Please use this function only after requested by support.  If a database is send without it being requesting first, support technicians will not know the history of the issue and will not be able to help you.



Include current database -- You will almost always want to include the current database, so that option should be checked.


Include an auto-backup -- If an older database is needed for comparison, you can select an auto-backup date to include here.  These backups are always on the computer, so you don't need to look for your manual backups.


Include log files -- If logs are needed to investigate specific activity, you will be instructed to include a certain number of past days of log files.


E-mail text / additional notes -- You can enter as much text as you like here, to further describe a problem or give any details requested.


When all options are selected and you're ready to send, click the Send button.  This will send it through our own E-mail server.  It may take several minutes to send, so don't do it during a busy time.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/e-maildatabaseandlogstosu.html

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