Rename Database

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This function is found under the File menu.  It will allow you to enter a new name for the currently open database, performing these steps automatically:


Saves a copy of the current database to the new name, under the "safe" location (Shared Documents in Windows XP or Public Documents in Windows Vista, for example).

Keeps this database open.

Makes this the new default database (assuming the database you had open was already the default database, or if there was no previous default).


This function is particularly handy for instance if you've Restored the data from a backup on a new computer, but forgot to name the database before restoring it.  It can also be used if you have been using the demo database during a trial and now need to save it under a different name.  Note that it will not rename the actual database file you have open, it only saves a copy under the new name.  So the original database file, if any, is not altered.



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