Enlarging the Transactions dialog

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In cases where you use extra-long Descriptions or Category names for transactions, the default Reservation Transactions dialog may not be wide enough for you to see the Total column without scrolling over.  Advanced Customizations allows you to enlarge this dialog (and the transaction table) so you can see more.


This article will only cover widening it, for simplicity.  The same technique could be used to also make it taller so you can see more transactions at once, however that takes a lot more work due to the number of controls below the grid that would have to be moved.


1. The first step is to add a Dialog definition that's an Add-on to the Reservation Transactions dialog. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Dialogs, and click "Add dialog definition".


Note: Only one Add-on definition can be active for a given dialog, so if you already had such a definition for other purposes then you would just add the elements below to the existing one instead of creating a new one here (in which case, skip to step 3).


2. Give it a name, such as "Resv Trans add-on". Then check the "Add-on" box and select "Reservation Transactions" from the list. Also make sure the "Enabled" box is checked.


3. Enter 200 for the Width (which will add 200 pixels to the width of the dialog).


4. Now we need to enlarge the transaction grid, which is control ID 1038 (as per the Dialog Control ID reference in the Help).  


Click "Add Element", and select "Resize control" for the Element Type.  Enter 1038 for the Control ID, 770 for the Width and 290 for the Height.  Click Save.


5. To make it look better, we'll also need to move the "Total amount due" controls over so they're under the right-hand side of the grid (ID 3195 for the label and 1305 for the value).  


Click"Add Element", select "Move Control" for the Element Type.  Enter 3195 for the Control ID, 770 for the Left and 422 for the Top.  Click Save.


Click"Add Element", select "Move Control" for the Element Type.  Enter 1305 for the Control ID, 868 for the Left and 420 for the Top.  Click Save.


6. OK, now you're ready to test it. Click "Save & Test dialog" to see what it looks like. The size and location values used here are assuming "normal" font sizes are used in your Windows display properties configuration.  You may need to adjust the values according to your particular Windows settings.


Tip:  There's a free tool called "JR Screen Ruler" that puts a pixel-ruler on your screen so you can quickly get a good idea of what values to use for control locations.  Just search Google for "JRuler" or "JR Screen Ruler".


7. Once you're satisfied with the results, just Save the dialog definition.  You may also want to do the same for the other Transaction dialogs (Customer Transactions and Unbound Transactions, or even the POS entry (which is more complicated if you want to line things up).  Just repeat the steps to add additional Dialog Definitions for each type of dialog.



Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/enlargingthetransactionsdia.html

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