Expense Payment Methods Mapping

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This dialog is used to map each of Campground Master's Payment Methods to a QuickBooks Account, specifically for Expense transaction Journal entries.  If you never enter Expense transactions in Campground Master, these mappings aren't needed.


Assuming you used the Import accounts from QuickBooks function first, this may be as simple as picking from lists.  If you didn't import the accounts from QuickBooks, you can still enter the account names manually, but that is very error-prone.


Remember that you're mapping payment methods for expenses here, so this is money going out, not money received.  Thus a credit card payment method should be mapped to a credit card account, not the merchant/bank account that receives your credit card sales.


The process is as follows:


1. Select a payment method to map from the left-hand list


2. Select a QuickBooks Account from the drop-down list, and then enter a Description.


3. Click Add Mapping.  The details of the mapped payment method will appear in the bottom list, and it will be removed from the first list so you know it's mapped already.


5. Repeat for all payment methods that you might use for Expense transactions, then click Save.  All of the mappings will be saved and used each time you use the Export function.



Mapping Notes


You don't need to map all payment types, only the ones that you might use when paying for expenses.


You can map multiple payment methods to the same item/account in QuickBooks if needed.  They will generate separate entries to the same item/account.  


If you need to change a mapping, select it from the bottom list and click Delete.  It will be removed from the bottom list, but it will also be selected automatically in the lists above, so all you have to do is make any changes and click Add Mapping again.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/expensepaymentmethodsmappin.html

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