Receipt Payment Methods Mapping

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This dialog is used to map each of Campground Master's Payment Methods to a QuickBooks Inventory Item and/or Account, for any receipts (or misc. income) transactions.  These mappings will be used when exporting Payment, Refund, and Deposit transactions as sales totals.   It will also be use for the Misc. Income transaction Journal entries (note that these will not use the Inventory Items, only the Accounts).


Assuming you used the Import accounts from QuickBooks function first, this may be as simple as picking from lists.  If you didn't import the items/accounts from QuickBooks, you can still enter the account names manually, but that is very error-prone.


The process is as follows:


1. Select a payment method to map from the left-hand list


2a. If this will map to an inventory item in QuickBooks, select that item from the QuickBooks Inventory Item drop-down list.  The Account and Description will fill in automatically for that item.  You can leave the description or edit it as needed, but don't change the Account, since this has already been assigned to that item in QuickBooks.


Important: Payment methods are not normally mapped to Inventory Items, and in fact QuickBooks 2005 will report an error if you attempt to do so.  You should select only a QuickBooks Account (below).  This selection is only present in Campground Master for backward compatibility.


2b. Or, if you're not mapping to an inventory item, select a QuickBooks Account from the next drop-down list, and then enter a Description.


3. Click Add Mapping.  The details of the mapped payment method will appear in the bottom list, and it will be removed from the first list so you know it's mapped already.


5. Repeat for all payment methods, then click Save.  All of the mappings will be saved and used each time you use the Export function.



Mapping Notes


If you're using the Cash Sale export method, you can opt to leave some of the methods unmapped and let those receipts be the balance of the cash sale.  This would typically be the ones like Cash and Check, and the your "Account for Cash Sale" (on the previous dialog) would be "Undeposited Funds".  However we recommend against this because it could result in a negative balance (e.g. you have a large cash refund to someone), which cannot be imported to QuickBooks.  It's best to map all payment methods.  


You can map multiple payment methods to the same account in QuickBooks if needed.  They will generate separate entries to the same account.  However if you typically put all receipts in the "Undeposited Funds" account, we suggest creating Items in QuickBooks to sub-section the Undeposited Funds for separating cash, checks, and credit cards.  This is because the true payment method in the cash sale cannot be set individually for each receipt type as they are all combined into one cash sale.  To make a separate payment item, create a New Item in QuickBooks, set it to a Payment type, enter an appropriate Item name, Description and Payment Method (e.g. "Check"), and group it with other undeposited funds.  Now when you map the Receipt Payment Methods to the appropriate items, they will all go into Undeposited Funds as expected but will show as separate items when making deposits.


If you need to change a mapping, select it from the bottom list and click Delete.  It will be removed from the bottom list, but it will also be selected automatically in the lists above, so all you have to do is make any changes and click Add Mapping again.


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