Transaction Categories Mapping

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This dialog is used to map each of Campground Master's Transaction Categories to a QuickBooks Inventory Item and/or Account.  These mappings will be used when exporting Charge, Discount, Credit, and possibly Tax transactions as sales totals.  It will also be use for the Misc. Income and Expense transaction Journal entries (note that these will not use the Inventory Items, only the Accounts).


Assuming you used the Import accounts from QuickBooks function first, this may be as simple as picking from lists.  If you didn't import the items/accounts from QuickBooks, you can still enter the account names manually, but that is very error-prone.


The process is simple:


1. Select a transaction category to map from the left-hand list


2a. If this will map to an inventory item in QuickBooks, select that item from the QuickBooks Inventory Item drop-down list.  The Account and Description will fill in automatically for that item.  You can leave the description or edit it as needed, but don't change the Account, since this has already been assigned to that item in QuickBooks.


2b. Or, if you're not mapping to an inventory item, select a QuickBooks Account from the next drop-down list, and then enter a Description.


3. If this is an auto-tax item in QuickBooks, check the Taxable? box if it's enabled (if you're using the General Journal Entries method, it's not applicable). It actually appears that if you're using the "As a Cash Sale" method then the import will only work if this is checked, so we recommend always checking this box if it's enabled.


4. Click Add Mapping.  The details of the mapped category will appear in the bottom list, and the category will be removed from the first list so you know it's mapped already.


5. Repeat for all categories, then click Save.  All of the mappings will be saved and used each time you use the Export function.



Mapping Notes


IMPORTANT: If you are mapping the Tax Categories separately, which is recommended, then don't map them here for charges.  This will result in an error and/or duplication of values when exporting.  (If you receive a tax-item error when importing to QuickBooks, you will need to map the taxes separately.)


All Transaction Categories defined in Campground Master will be shown in the category list, even if they aren't normally used for charges. Thus you don't need to map the categories "Credit", "Discount", etc. unless you might actually use these standard category names for charges, discounts, or credits.  If you do want to just clear out the list so you know you're done, you can map them to dummy accounts (no transactions will be exported for them anyway).


You can map multiple categories to the same item/account in QuickBooks if needed.  They will generate separate entries to the same item/account.  


If you need to change a mapping, select it from the bottom list and click Delete.  It will be removed from the bottom list, but it will also be selected automatically in the category/item/account lists, so all you have to do is make any changes and click Add Mapping again.


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