Find / Print Purchase Orders

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This function is accessed through the main menu: P.O.S. / Purchase Orders / Find/Print Purchase Orders.  This same dialog is also used for the Find Previously Ordered Item in the Create Purchase Orders function.


This function is generally used to locate previous purchase order items, either for reference, reporting, or to re-print an order.  You can search for orders by several options, including date, inventory item code (which can be scanned from a bar code), P.O. numbers, vendor stock numbers, or a variety of Purchase Order Filtering options.


All of the relevant information about each order item will be shown.  You can sort the items by any column if needed, and print or export the list you want it for a report.


If you want to view the inventory or vendor details for any item, simply select the row and use the appropriate View function at the bottom.  You can also Delete items if necessary, but remember that this actually deletes the order -- it doesn't just remove it from the list!


If this was invoked from the Create Purchase Orders function to find a previously ordered item, then select the item you want and click Use (or press Enter).


If you're locating purchase orders to print, select all of the items you want to print and then click the Print Orders button at the bottom.  (Or to print all of them, just click Print Orders without selecting any.)  This will copy the order items into the Print Purchase Orders dialog, where they can be printed.


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