Print Purchase Orders

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This dialog is accessed through either the Create Purchase Orders function or the Find/Print Purchase Orders function, from the P.O.S. / Purchase Orders menu.


If no items are selected in the list, then it will print orders for all items shown.  If you only want to print orders for some items, select those items before clicking a Print button.


When the orders are printed, it will group all items with a given Purchase Order Number into a single order.  Generally all orders created for the same vendor at the same time will have the same P.O. number.


Note that there is limited space on an order form for items, and it won't automatically print multiple pages.  If there are too many items for one page, you can separate them into two order pages by selecting some of them to print each time.  Tip: If they are all grouped together in the list, just click, hold the button down, and drag the mouse to select all of the ones you want to print.



You can enter notes to print on all of the orders, below the list of items.  If it's a short note, you can just type it on the Notes field.  Otherwise, click the "...' button next to the Notes field to open a multiple-line window and enter the information to be printed.  If you need different notes for each order, then select and print only the appropriate items at once, changing the Notes text for each selection group you print.



When you're ready to print, just click the Print Orders button.  You can also print labels or envelopes for the associated vendors if needed, and print or export the list of order items.


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