Handling seasonal campers

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Q: How to I enter seasonal campers?


A: You would of course need to have all of the Sites set up for the seasonals, then enter the reservations for the campers.  If they pay monthly, select the "Monthly" reservation type for those reservations.  If they pay a fixed amount for the season but don't necessarily all stay the same length of time, then it works best to add a separate "Seasonal" reservation type (under Pick Lists / Reservation Types), which will make it easier to set up Rates for them.


Ideally you would want to set up the rates for those also, especially if you're using auto-rates.  There is an example for seasonal stays in the documentation (Maintenance/ Park Setup / Rates / Rates Setup Examples).  If you do charge them a monthly rent, then you may want to investigate the Monthly Billing function under the Transactions menu (see the documentation for details on that).



Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/handlingseasonalcampers.html

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