How-heard Report

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This report shows you the sources of your customers.  It will group the totals by each category you have set up in the How-heard pick-list.  It can be useful to see which advertising methods are paying off.  You can select which site types to include in the reports or other specifics through the Site/Reservation Filtering, so for instance you can compare results for full-hookup deluxe sites vs. electric/water sites (perhaps to see where the big-spenders are coming from).


The percentages are based on all reservations in each summarize date period, typically using the First Night of each reservation (or optionally all reservation nights, either to the Last Night or the Blocked-To date).  You can also have it report according to the date each reservation was created.  In addition to the percentages for each period, it will show an average percentage for all date periods combined (the entire date range).  Since it also includes a category for "no info" (when no How-heard value is selected by the operator), the total of all How-heard categories should be 100% for each date period.



Further Topics:


Report Dialog Controls



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