Occupancy, Availability, Arrivals & Departures Reports

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These four reports are very similar in usage, with the differences being only in the content of the reports.


Occupancy Report (and general report usage)


This report will show the percentage of site occupancy (reservations filling the sites) for a given date range.  The report can group the results by Site Type or Site Class, or show the results for each individual site.


You can select which site types or classes to report, which will affect the Average Percentage totals for a date period -- for instance if you exclude seldom-used site types like boat docks, your average for the period would more accurately reflect the actual occupancy average.  Of course occupancy is averaged for each of the site types as well, so you know precisely how much of each site type is filled.


Counting sites even if they are unavailable is usually not appropriate, but might be useful to indicate what the overall occupancy percentage would be if you made them available the whole time.


When not showing percentages, you can see how many total site-nights were available for each period (sites times the number of nights -- for instance, 30 nights in a month times 100 sites would show 3000 site-nights).  It also shows how many were filled for each period.  This can help illustrate that 80% resulting from 8 out of 10 is not as significant as 80% resulting from 800 out of 1000.  


The averages are calculated from the totals of all groups, so they are weighted accordingly.  Thus you can see groups of 80% and 100% average out to 82% rather than the "expected" 90%, because there were more possible site nights in the 80% group than the 100% group.


This report shows Average percentages in both total directions (for all site types over the total date range, and for all dates of a given site type).  There is no requirement for percentages to total up to 100% as in some other reports, since that can only happen if all sites are full for all nights in the range.


Note that this report counts all types of reservations by default, including guests, owners, and day passes. Since these don't normally occupy a spot, or there can be multiple reservations of this type in one spot, this can result in numbers higher than 100% in reports by Site, Site Type or Site Class.  To exclude these, or to include only reservations of certain types, use Site/Reservation Filtering and select only the types to be counted in the report.


You can also use this report to check occupancy levels for future dates, since it will also count pending reservations already made for the future.  (Note however that it can only count reservations that have sites assigned to them.)  This can be useful for predicting and preparing for a busy season, or for seeing when you need to do more advertising to fill more spaces, perhaps by sponsoring a special event or sending out coupons in a normally slump period.



Special Groupings


In addition to reporting occupancy by site type, class, etc., you can report occupancy by Discount Used and Reservation Types.  These can be useful for statistical purposes, but note that  when showing the total possible sites or percentages, the "total possible" for each grouping (e.g. for each discount or reservation type) will actually be the total of all sites available.


Also note that when grouping by Discount Used, the discount for any "future" reservations (any not yet checked in) is actually assumed to be the customer's first discount, if any.  This is because reservations that haven't been checked in probably don't have the "Discount Used" field set yet, since charges haven't been added.  (However if the Discount Used has already been set for the reservation anyway, it will be used.)



Availability Report


This report will show the percentage or quantity of sites available for a given date range.  It's almost identical to the Occupancy Report, except that it's showing the "opposite" numbers -- e.g. if 90% of the sites are occupied, then 10% will be available.  Actually this report is most useful when showing the # of sites available (instead of percentages), for future dates.  It can be printed out as a quick-reference summary of availability.



Arrivals Statistics Report


This report is similar to the Occupancy Report, and has all of the same options and functions.  The difference is that the Arrival Statistics report only "counts" reservations on their arrival date, whereas the Occupancy Report counts each date of the reservation's total stay.


The primary use for this report is to get a summary of the number of parties arriving each day.  It could be considered a summary of the Arrivals tab view, showing only daily totals instead of the details of each reservation.  Of course you can use it for other special purposes through filtering, for instance you could use the reservation filter to create a report showing how many parties arrived each day that are Good Sam members.



Departures Statistics Report


This report is similar to the Arrivals Report, and has all of the same options and functions.  The difference is that the Departures Statistics report only "counts" reservations on their last date (or optionally the Block-to date), so you can see how many are due out each date or period.


Important: Since this report is based on the Last Night of each reservation (or optionally the Block-to date), remember that the dates shown are not the departure date -- for instance, the number shown for October 3rd will actually be the number departing on the morning of October 4th.




Further Topics:


Report Dialog Controls



Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/coccupancyreport.html

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