Sample Web Reservation Form

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We've put together an example of a web form that you could use on your web site, along with the Parsing Rules needed to extract the data form the E-mail you would get when someone fills in the form.  


The sample form, along with a CSV file with sample parsing rules that would parse that particular form, can be downloaded from our web site.  The parsing rules CSV file can be imported to a parsing set through the Edit Parsing Set dialog.


You can view or download the sample form here:


You can also get a CSV file with the parsing rules here: (right-click and select "Save Target As" to save it to your computer without opening it up)


Keep in mind that this is only an example -- since it uses some default values for selections like How-Heard, Rig Type, Site Type, etc, it probably would not be appropriate for any particular park without modification.  Your web site designer can use this to start with or get some ideas from, but it needs to be tailored to your particular application before actual use.


This also assumes that your web provider has some kind of form script that you can use to handle the HTML "<form>" processing.  In the sample form, a CGI script called "" is used.  This happens to be what our web host supplies, but other web hosts may use a different script or you may have to set up your own (formmail is a popular one that can be found various places on the web).


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