Overview - Maintenance Functions

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Maintenance functions, available in the Maintenance menu of the main menu, are functions that are typically used only occasionally to setup up the database or make certain "dangerous" changes to the database. None of the maintenance functions may be accessed by an operator with less than a Manager access level, and only the Backup and Restore functions can be used by a Manager -- the rest of the functions require Administrator access.





Back Up and Restore Database


Copying To a New Computer


Recovering a Database from an Alternate Hard Drive


Rename Database


E-mail database and logs to support


Park Setup Functions

Parks Setup

Sites Setup

Taxes Setup

Rates Setup

Operator Setup

Maps Setup

Notice message / Confirmation letter text


Electric, Gas, and Water Meters Setup


Pick Lists


Data Field Definitions


Program Options

Format Options

Function Options

Prompt Options

Reservation Options

Auto-Rates Options

P.O.S. Options (only if POS is enabled)

Zip Codes

Monthlies Options

Database Options


Printing Options

Reports Settings

Receipts Settings

Reservations Settings

Credit Card Settings

P.O.S. Receipts (only if POS is enabled)

Offsets Settings


Network Functions

Setting up for a Network

Network Setup Dialog

Connecting Progress Dialog

Other Network Functions

Net Client Diagnostics Dialog

Net Server Diagnostics Dialog

How it Works


Online Setup

SMTP Setup

Batch E-mailing options

Confirmation E-mail Text & Options

Invoice, Receipt and Statement E-mail text

Online Reservations


Advanced Customizations

Tab Views


Color Schemes

Default Global Color Schemes





Event Actions

User-defined Tables

User-defined Relationships

Import Package


Credit Card Processing Setup

Credit Card Security Setup

Credit Card History / Security Cleanup

Remove a Customer's Credit Card Information


P.O.S. Inventory Setup (Only if P.O.S. is enabled)

Cash Drawer Setup

Pole Display Setup (Only if P.O.S. is enabled)


Shift Report

Shift Change


New Database (create a new database file)


Purge Old Data


Raw Data Tables

Add/Insert Multiple Sites


Database Maintenance

Deposit Balance Adjustment

A/R Balance Adjustment

Report and repair Orphaned Transactions

Report and repair Orphaned Reservations

Report Conflicting Reservations

Report Unmatched Transfers

Repair <bad links>

Show the current database location

Move the database to Shared or Public Documents


Multiple Databases on One Computer




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