Confirmation E-mail Text & Options

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You can configure the E-mail confirmation letter text similar to the options for printed confirmation letters.  This configuration is done through Maintenance / Park Setup, or alternatively through Maintenance / Online Setup.


The first option enables a preview of the confirmation E-mail before sending.  This is recommended, especially if you might want to add special notes to the message for each customer.  It will open an E-mail window where you can edit the text or subject of the E-mail as needed before sending.  Note that this may be overridden when selecting a specific form for E-mailing, when multiple forms are defined, but will be used as a default for confirmations.


The Subject for the E-mails should be something fairly generic, but also something that should catch the customer's attention.  For instance, include the name of your campground so they know what it's about.  This is only used as a default -- if you edit the Form then you can change the subject there (and have multiple Forms with different subjects), in which case this setting will be ignored.


The Letter text may be any length.  You can also add line breaks, blank lines, etc. using the Enter key just like typing a letter.  The Bottom text can also be any length.


If you have the "Site_Confirmation_Text" field enabled for sites (see Data Field Definitions), you can have special bottom text appear for individual sites.  The Bottom Text from this dialog will be used as the default for sites without special text entered, but you can override it by entering Confirmation Text in Site Details.


Summary Options -- these are used for the E-mail confirmations that don't include a complete Transaction table.  There is an option to show only the deposit paid and balance due on the confirmation letters, in case you don't want to show details.  


In addition, you have the option to show the Reservation Type and how many adults and children the rate is based on.



Additional Topics:


SMTP (Send mail) Setup


Batch E-mailing options


Invoice, Receipt and Statement E-mail text




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