SMTP (Send mail) Setup

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To enable E-mail confirmations, the appropriate settings need to be configured first -- go to Maintenance / Park Setup / SMTP Setup.  This enables sending E-mail messages from within Campground Master.  (SMTP stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", which is the current standard E-mail system used on the Internet.)  These settings are similar to configuring most E-mail applications in Windows, like Microsoft Outlook.    


To use the E-mail functions like sending confirmation E-mails, Campground Master must be able to access an SMTP mail server via the internet.  If you're not using one of the E-mail services with specific examples below, contact your provider to see if they have an SMTP server available and what the settings should be.



Using the SMTP function to send E-mail


Once the SMTP configuration is done (particularly the Sender and Server information as mentioned below), then a new button will be available on the Reservation Transactions dialog to Send E-mail Form (like confirmation letters).  There will also be an Email Form button on Reservation Details and Customer Details, as well as right-click functions to send E-mails from the tab views, and Batch E-mailing will also be possible from the E-mail list reports for Customers and Reservations.


You can also send E-mail messages to customers using the blue E-mail "link" on Customer Details (but with SMTP configured it uses the built in E-mailing instead of opening the default E-mail program in Windows).



Global settings vs. different settings on each computer


If you're using the networking option, you'll see an option to either use global settings or use different settings on this computer.  In most cases you'll want to use global settings, since each computer on a local network generally needs to be set up the same (except for possibly the bind-to IP address, which is always a local setting anyway).  However if you use a computer to connect remotely, e.g. through the internet from various places, then you might need to use different settings on that computer depending on the specific internet connection (ISP) you're using at the time.  


Note: Be sure to select the option to use "different" settings before making changes to the settings, so you don't inadvertently change the global settings for everyone else!



Sender (defaults) Settings


Your name & E-mail address can be entered in the Sender section. The Name and E-mail entered here are used for both the "From" and the "Reply-To" for every E-mail you send.  Optionally you can check the options to have it use the Park's Name and Park's E-mail address, as defined for the Park (or Parks) through Park Setup.  This is useful if you have more than one park set up in the database, and want to use a different Reply address in confirmations depending on which park it's for.  (If an E-mail is sent to a customer without reference to a reservation, the park specified as the Park shown on non-reservation receipts will be used, and that setting is specific to each workstation.)  Note that if you do check these options, the name and E-mail addresses entered here will be ignored when appropriate park information is available.  However you should still fill in a default Name and E-mail address here, in case an the Park record doesn't have the E-mail field filled in.


Important: Many SMTP servers require these to be in the same "domain" as the SMTP host you're using.  For instance if you're using SMTP through your web host and your web site is, then you might need to use an E-mail address that has in it.  Likewise, if using GMail use your, etc.  


If you want to keep a copy of all E-mails sent, the best way is to fill in BCC all mail to with your E-mail address.  This will blind-copy each E-mail to yourself (or any address desired.  If you want to enter multiple E-mail addresses for the BCC, use the semicolon character (;) between each address to separate them.



SMTP Server Settings


In most cases, you will only need to enter one thing in the Server section, which is the Host name/address.  The rest of the settings default to the most common values.  The host name/address is usually "mail" or "smtp" followed by your ISP or web host domain name.  A couple examples are below:        (for instance if you have your own domain name for your web site)        (for instance if you do E-mail through an ISP like Earthlink)


Many SMTP servers use port number 25, no authentication, no SSL, and the other settings as shown by default in the SMTP Setup dialog.  However it's common for ISP's to block port 25 for any SMTP access besides their own server, so most web hosts and other E-mail providers provide alternate ports.


The "Automatic" setting for Authentication Method should work in most cases, with the username and password filled in.  There are some cases where it cannot be automatically detected, though, so you can set it to one of several manual settings.  Also, the "Automatic" setting will not work if "POP3 before SMTP" authentication is required.


POP3 before SMTP authentication -- Some SMTP servers, typically ones used by web hosting services, may not have a login on the SMTP itself but may require you to read your E-mail (through the web host's POP3 server) before you can send mail through their SMTP server, with a time-out.  In other words you need to log in to the POP3 server, then it will allow you to send mail through the SMTP server within maybe 30 minutes.  If this is the case for your SMTP host, select the "POP3 before SMTP" authentication method and provide the login, host, and port for the POP3 server.  Campground Master will do a quick log-in to authenticate your computer (without actually retrieving or removing any incoming mail) before sending the outgoing mail.


If you have any questions about the proper settings to use in SMTP Setup, please contact your internet provider, web host, or whatever service you're using to send mail.



Note that the Return Receipt option simply sets a flag in the E-mail requesting a return receipt when the E-mail is opened, but this does not guarantee anything since many E-mail programs don't support return receipts.


You can use the Test button on this Setup dialog to test your settings by sending an E-mail to yourself.



Gmail Settings example


If you use Gmail (Google mail), use the settings below.  Reminder -- you can only use the GMail SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an address.


Host Name/Address:

Port Number:                465

Use SSL:                Checked

Use TLS:                Unchecked

Authentication method:        Automatic

Username :                (your Gmail login)

Password :                (your Gmail password)


Note: You may also have to go into your Gmail account settings and enable access from 3rd party programs -- Google has a new feature that blocks SMTP for a lot of people until you change a security option.  To solve this:


1. Go to

2. Sign in if needed.

3. Click on 'Signing in to Google'  or 'Apps with account access'

4. Toward the bottom you will find a box/section 'Allow less secure apps'.  Make sure it's "on" (click to the right end of the slider, it should turn blue).



Yahoo Settings example


Yahoo settings are shown below.  Note that you must use your Yahoo E-mail address in the From/Reply To address or else it may not work.


Host Name/Address:

Port Number:                465

Use SSL:                Checked

Use TLS:                Unchecked

Authentication method:        Automatic

Username :                (your Yahoo login)

Password :                (your Yahoo password)


Reminder -- you can only use the yahoo SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an address.


Note: You may also have to go into your yahoo account settings and enable access from 3rd party programs -- Yahoo has a new feature that blocks SMTP until you change a security option.  To solve this:


1. Sign in if needed.

2. Go to "Account Security Settings" (or use this link)

3. Toward the bottom you will find a setting 'Allow apps that use less secure sign in'.  Make sure it's "on" (click to the right end of the slider, it should turn blue).  If you don't see this option, then you probably have your Yahoo account set up to sign in with a "Yahoo Account key" instead of a password.  In this case, additional steps are required to allow using their SMTP server from Campground Master:

4. Click "Generate App Password" (or "Manage App Passwords") to add a new app password

5. Select "Other App" as the application type

6. Enter "Campground Master" for the name

7. Copy the password it gives you into the Password field in SMTP setup



Hotmail Settings example


If you use Hotmail, the settings should be:


Host Name/Address:

Port Number:                587

Use SSL:                Unchecked

Use TLS:                Checked

Authentication method:        Automatic

Username :                (your Hotmail login)

Password :                (your Hotmail password)


Reminder -- you can only use the Hotmail SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an or address.



Outlook Settings example


If you use, the settings should be:


Host Name/Address:

Port Number:                587

Use SSL:                Unchecked

Use TLS:                Checked

Authentication method:        Automatic

Username :                (your Hotmail login)

Password :                (your Hotmail password)


Reminder -- you can only use the Outlook SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an address.



America Online Settings example


If you use America Online for your Internet access, there is an SMTP server available for you to use.  Reminder -- you can only use the AOL SMTP host if your E-mail address (for the From & Reply-to) is also an address.  The following Server settings should be used:


Host Name/Address:

Port Number:                587

Use SSL:                Unchecked

Use TLS:                Checked

Authentication method:        Automatic

Username :                (your AOL screen name)

Password :                (your AOL password)


Also, the Sender E-mail address should be in the Internet format (your AOL screen name followed by ""), such as:  Note that any spaces in your screen name must be removed, so "My Screen Name" would become






Additional Topics:


Batch E-mailing options


Confirmation E-mail Text & Options


Invoice, Receipt and Statement E-mail text




Page URL

Campground Master Home