Transaction (Sales) Reports

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As with all other transactions, reporting for sales and receipts for point of sale transactions is done through the Transactions tab view.  With the P.O.S. option, some new settings and filtering options are available for reporting inventory sales, and for separating P.O.S. transaction reports from non-P.O.S. reports if necessary.


For details on using the Transactions tab view for reports, see that section in the main Dynamic Interactive Report Screens chapter.


Common Reporting Tasks


Most summary reports needed are available by clicking the Summary Options button on the Transactions tab view.  This options dialog has a number of Quick-Reports for the most common tasks, and a number of other options available for customizing reports.


The most common reporting task for a P.O.S. system is a report for balancing a cash drawer after a shift or at the end of the day.  This is no different for the P.O.S. as it is for other transactions (presumably all types of transactions take place on the same computer or computers).  Use the Receipts by Payment Method button to generate a report showing the net amount of receipts for each payment method (cash, check, Visa, etc.).  This will show the daily total for each day selected in the dates.  If you need a report for a particular operator shift, then open the Filter (or More Filters) and select the operator for which to report totals.


Another common report is an inventory sales report.  Two new quick-reports available with the P.O.S. option -- Inventory Sales by Amount and by Quantity.  Simply click the appropriate button and set the dates or other filtering as needed.  These will report sales for each inventory item.  If you have a lot of inventory items, you'll probably want to go back to the Summary Options and select the Hide items with zero totals option, so it only shows the items sold that period.  By default, these reports show both the inventory item code and the description.  You may prefer to show it by only the code or only the description -- this is another summary option.


You can also report inventory sales according to class or vendor instead of by item.  Class is probably more interesting if you have a large inventory.  A Vendor report might be useful for showing which vendors are supplying you with the hottest items, or that you might be able to get a better deal from by leveraging your the volume of sales.  For either of these reports, select the Inventory Sales quick-report and then go back to Summary Options to change the Group totals for each selection.



P.O.S. Transaction Filtering


A few special options are available in the Filter for P.O.S. transaction reports.  You can opt to include either P.O.S. transactions or non-P.O.S. transactions (or both), in case you want to see separate totals for reservation income vs. merchandise income.  (Of course this is also usually apparent if you report by transaction category, but that only works for reporting charges, not receipts.)


If you include P.O.S. transactions, you also have the option to filter the transactions by inventory.  Thus you can report sales details for a single vendor or certain vendors, selected inventory item classes, filter by tax categories, and other possibilities.



Detail Reports


Transaction details are reported as usual, but with the P.O.S. option you can add columns for inventory item code, description, class, and vendor.  Use the Detail Options button to select these columns in detail mode.


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