Overview - Dynamic Interactive Reports

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The dynamic interactive report screens, or Tab Views, are the heart of the software and provide the information and functions commonly needed every day.  They are "dynamic", meaning that they will automatically update every time a change is made to the database.  You don't have to "refresh" these reports, since they're always up to date.  They are "interactive", meaning that you can work with the data directly on the report -- just right-click on the data and you will be given several operations to choose from.  The initial setup has a set of recommended Tab Views configured (one of each possible type), but their order, names, an content can all be changed through Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Tab Views.


A Tab view consists of a grid for the report itself, plus a control area above the grid.  The controls for each view are similar, with dates and drop-down boxes for filtering the report, plus buttons and other options specific to the report.  Most tab views share very similar right-click menu functions, navigation commands, and other features as described below.


To view any of the Tab Views, simply click on its "tab" (the row of labels above the views, like tabs on file folders).  The selected view will appear instantly.   (There may be a slight delay the first time it's accessed, but it will be much faster thereafter.)  The name of the selected view will be shown in bold text so you can easily see which one is active.  You can also change tab views using the Tab key on the keyboard or the Shift-function keys (see the Keyboard Shortcuts section for details).


Each tab view has an access level which determines who can view or print it.  These levels can be changed through the Tab Views function.  Tab views that have a higher access level than the current operator will have their title shown in a light gray text, and clicking it will simply not have any effect.


Tab views will have scroll bars if the data is too large for the screen.  To see the rest of the data, simply drag the "thumb button" in the scroll bar or click in the scroll bar in the direction you want to view.  With the exception of the Rack, which uses uniform cell widths, the cells in the grids will auto-size to fit the text in them.  Therefore each report will have varying widths depending on the length of names, phone numbers, notes, etc. for the items in the lists.


Tab views that display fields in columns may have a Totals row at the bottom.  (This can be disabled in Program Options if desired).  This will show the total number of reservations shown in the report, and will also show totals for any columns that are appropriate -- such as # of adults, extra vehicles, and balance due.


Tip: Occasionally you will see a cell that is dark blue -- this is simply the grid "cursor", indicating the selected cell, and results from clicking on the grid or pressing Alt-G, or from using the Search function.  This selection will be moved if you click on another cell, and will disappear if you right-click on a cell or change to another view, or press the ESC key (if focus is not on the grid, you may need to click on the grid first).  In any case, the dark blue highlight is harmless and not part of the report (it will not show on a printed report).  





Common Controls and Settings


Rack (Reservation Grid)




On Site



Payments Due





Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/overviewtabviews.html

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