Viewing Recent Online Reservations

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This dialog is access through Reservations / View Recent Online Reservations.  It can also be opened directly from an Alert that new reservations have been auto-processed by the Hercules 2-way interface.


Here you can view all online reservations (those with an Online ID), according to Date Made.  It defaults to the current day, but you can change the From date to view older online reservations, and also use the To date to see any specific date range.



Color coding


Reservations in the list are color-coded for 3 different factors:


Acknowledged -- These are show with green text (regardless of the background color used by the other factors).  You can manually "acknowledge" an online reservation (click Mark Selected as Acknowledged), to show that you've done whatever you need to do to it.  While it isn't necessary to acknowledge them, it can be handy if you have to process a lot of reservations and can't which ones you've verified.  Note that there is no way to "undo" the Acknowledge, so use it with care.


Possible Duplicate Customer -- These are shown with a yellow background.  Rather than just checking the name, this uses the same duplicate checking functionality that's optionally used when making local reservations.  See Maintenance / Program Options / Reservations / Duplicate Customer Checking. If you want to try to merge a possible duplicate, select it and click Merge Duplicate Customers.  See that section for details.


Warning Flagged -- These are shown with a red background.  This indicates that the actual customer selected for the reservation has a warning flag.  Note however that this doesn't indicate whether a possible duplicate of this customer is warning flagged.  Thus if it's in yellow, meaning a possible duplicate, you should use the Merge function to find out if it's a duplicate of a warning-flagged customer.





Mark Selected as Acknowledged -- As mentioned above, this simply flags the reservation.  Typically used after you've verified that the reservation is OK, checked for duplicates, etc.


View the Selected Reservation Details -- This goes to Reservation details (you can also just double-click the reservation), where you can review it and make any adjustments needed.


Merge Duplicate Customers -- As mentioned above, this allows you to check any possible duplicates and use the previous customer information instead of the new customer added for the online reservation.



Further Topics:


Possible Duplicate Customers




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