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A few quick reminders:


 MAKE BACKUPS!  It's so sad when we hear from someone who's computer has crashed and they have no backup of their data to restore from.  It's so easy to make a backup to a thumb drive, there's really no excuse not to do it at least once per week, if not daily.


 NETWORK USERS - Don't use the same Workstation ID on more than one computer, even if you only plan to use one at a time.  This can lead to missed data with no way to recover it.  


 INSTALLING ON A NEW COMPUTER -- This is the number one support question we get, even though we've put the information everywhere we can possibly put it; in the documentation, on our web site, and now in version 6.1 it's directly on the Help menu in the program.  You'll need this information eventually, so make a note of how to find it now so you don't have to ask later.  See our web site under Support / Installing on a new computer.



What's New

 Upcoming new version?

 Windows 8 support

 IC Verify issues -- read this if you use IC Verify for credit card processing!

 Merchant Warehouse credit card processing


Q & A

 Making the text larger on the screen

 Reporting reservations made during a period this year vs last year

 Why are checked-out reservations disappearing?

 Where is the Bulk Check-out function?

 Splitting deposits among group reservations

 Reporting revenue for each site

 Reporting all advanced deposits for future reservations


Tips & Techniques

 Full network re-synchronization

 Reporting balances as of a certain date

 Entering a new credit card for a customer

 Changing vehicle field labels

 Receipts by Category report changing values for previous dates

 Showing Yes/No on a Query instead of .T./.F.


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