Rates for monthly add-on charges
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1. Go to Maintenance / Data Field Definitions / Reservation Fields and locate the "Cable" field (the Field ID is Attrib_Cable), and change the Status to "Enabled". (If your need is for an option not present as an attribute field already, you can modify the name of one that's not being used.)
2. Go to Maintenance / Program Options / Reservations and select the "Cable" field for one of the available Quick-select Preferences. This will add a Cable checkbox on the New Reservation dialog.
Note: For any existing reservations that should be charged for this, you need to go into Reservation Details for the reservations, then click "Site Preferences", and check the box for Cable.
3. Go into Rates Setup and create a rate of type "Add-On" for the cable TV charge. Enter the charge for cable and other "Applies if..." conditions needed, as you would any other rate definition, and then select "Cable" from the list after "Applies if reservation field". It will show "True" after the field name when you select it, so leave that selected.