Our basic pricing is simple, with just a few options to decide on. Since you set up the database yourself,
there are no per-site or per-room charges.
If you have questions then we suggest checking the Buying Guide first,
which has answers to most of the questions people
ask before purchasing.
All prices shown are in U.S. dollars.
Basic Pricing
One-time Costs
A basic package would consist of the main software, either with or without a printed manual & CD. If you want to use it on multiple
computers then you also need the networking option ($500 extra, covers 3 computers). So here are the basic pricing options:
Download only
With manual & CD
Single computer
$890 + shipping
2 or 3 computers
$1390 + shipping
In addition, there are some popular options you might need (add to above pricing):
There are no monthly fees to use Campground Master.
Technical support and free updates are included for the first year at no additional charge.
After the first year, the updates and support subscription is only $100/year, for downloadable updates.
You don't have to continue updates & support to keep using the software version you're last licensed for (it never "expires"). However,
keeping current with your subscription is highly recommended, not only to keep the software current but also to maintain support.
If you don't keep up your subscription, the available
support would be limited to issues keeping you from using the program (e.g. lost password or restoring a backup after a crash).
See below for detailed pricing information, with other options and services.
How to Order
You can order by phone, online or by mail -- but if you're not sure which options you might need, please contact us before ordering so
that we can be sure your needs are covered. We would be happy to discuss the details with you,
without any pressure to buy.
License to use the software at one campground or property.
(This is in the form of an authorization key that can only be used for your campground).
Support by phone or E-mail.
Free software updates for 1 year.
If you purchase it with the printed manual & CD, you also get:
A full printed manual, detailing every function.
A software CD-ROM with the latest version.
A printed Quick-Start Guide.
Basic Price List and Common Options
These are all one-time costs. Adding options does not increase the annual upgrade & support cost of $100/year.
Campground Master Software License Single computer. Includes any number of campsites at a single property
(download only -- see below for physical manual or software on CD)
Technical Support Phone and E-mail support for setup and standard functionality (for 1 year) is included in the price of the software.
Printed manual w/CD (plus shipping and handling, see below)
$95 each
CD-ROM of current version Price includes shipping and handling.
$20_U.S. $30_Canada $40_Other
Networking option, first 3 computers Allows real-time access from multiple workstations This option allows 3 computers ("master" plus 2 client workstations).
Networking additional computers Once you have the Networking option (above), if you need more than 3 computers then you can add more.
QuickBooks Pro interface Allows Campground Master to export all transactions to QuickBooks Pro
(Other companies charge extra for this, but we don't.)
Interface to Hercules online reservations Campground Master integrates with the Hercules service for worry-free online reservations.
Click for details.
(The Hercules service has its own charges, contact them for details.)
Point of Sale equipment We can suggest peripherals for making your PC into a cash register, such as receipt printers, cash drawers, credit card mag stripe readers, and other point of sale hardware.
Credit Card processing We can supply the software and computer peripherals for processing credit cards through Campground Master so you can get rid of the old dial-up terminal. We don't charge extra for this functionality, but you do need a 3rd-party program to interface with your bank.
Minor name variations (e.g. for receipts) Allows additional "park" records in the same database
(e.g. needing different names
on the receipts but located at the same address, for instance an "RV park" and a "marina" in the same facility). This does not allow for one license to be used at
separate properties, which would need a separate Campground Master license. Also be aware that the name and address used for the Campground Master license must be the physical address of the park,
not a corporate entity, company billing address, P.O. box, property management company, etc.
$100 each
Customization and other Optional Services
Importing data from other software The built-in import function can handle most importing needs automatically, but if you need help or have a program that doesn't
export data in a recognizable format, then you can contact us for assistance. If you can provide us with the database files from the
old software, we may be able to do this free of charge.
Call for details
Upgrades and Support
Updates & support for 1 year Includes an additional year of support and downloadable upgrades.
Note: If it has been more than 6 months since your updates subscription has expired, or if a new version
has been released since your subscription expired, you will also
need to pay an additional amount to cover upgrades to the current version. The additional amount may be as much as $100 per major
version missed plus any difference in cost between the current version and your previously licensed version. Contact
us for details.
Note: Price is subject to change with future upgrades.
$100 * see notes
Single CD-ROM delivery of current version Price includes shipping and handling.
$20_U.S. $30_Canada $40_Other
New management support transfer If you change ownership or management of the business,
then we reserve the right to charge a "license transfer fee" to cover additional support, in addition
to requiring an upgrade to the latest version.
Note: This only applies to the same business, and assuming the database is already
set up for that business. The Campground Master license is not transferable
to another park or business.
Shipping & Handling charges
United States (Priority Mail):
$25 (per each manual ordered)
Canada and Mexico (Air Mail):
$85 (per each manual ordered)
All other countries (Air Mail):
$125 (per each manual ordered)
Arizona businesses add 8.8% sales tax.
Please contact us with any questions!
Contact Cottonwood Software by phone at 1-913-522-0717, 7 days a week.
90-day Guarantee!
If you can't get the results you need with our software after 90 days, even with our personal attention and support, we will
refund your software license cost (excluding the manual & CD or any other physical items shipped, and shipping charges).
Better yet, take us up on our 30-day free trial offer -- you pay nothing until you're sure it will work for you!
See the Free Demo page to request a free trial.
"This is a great system we love it. You may be interested to know that one Australian firm which we were considering wanted
AUD $4000.00 for only a chart... plus $1000.00 annually for support. Your Campground Master is 99% what we wanted."
Copyright 2001-2025 by Cottonwood Software, LLC, All Rights Reserved
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Campground Master is a registered trademark of Cottonwood Software, LLC