Changing the Customer of a Reservation

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See also:

 Linked Reservation Overview

 Creating Linked Reservations

 Managing Linked Reservations

 Splitting Reservations

 Synchronizing Linked Reservations

 Group Reservation Special Handling




If you need to change which customer is associated with a reservation, then you must use the "Change to a different customer" function in Reservation Details.  


There is a very important difference between changing to a different customer using this function and just using Customer Details.  If you just go into Customer Details, you're changing the global record for that customer, essentially wiping out the old customer information and replacing it with new information.  This will affect all other reservations that customer might have, including previous reservations.  In most cases this is not what you want to do -- for instance if you chose the wrong customer for the reservation originally, or if it's part of a group and now you need to make them separate customers, then don't use Customer Details.


Therefore you want to go into Reservation Details (e.g. from right-clicking on the Rack or through Find Reservation), and click the Change to a Different Customer button.  This will open the Find Customer dialog where you can either select a previously entered customer or Add a New customer.


Important -- If the reservation is synchronized with others, you may get a prompt when you're finished for whether you want to keep it synchronized.  If you only want to change this reservation, for instance if it's part of a group but will be paying separately, then you must answer "No" -- otherwise you're changing the customer for all of the linked reservations.  If you don't get this prompt, then it either means that the reservation was already non-synchronized, or else it's making it non-synchronized automatically.


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