The Main Program Window

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Caption / Title Bar




This is the standard Windows caption used by nearly all Windows programs.  Besides the name of the program, the Campground Master caption has a few informative items in it.


Database name -- You will likely be using the same database at all times, so the database name will probably be the name of your campground (or whatever name you gave your database).  If you do change databases, for instance to manage multiple campgrounds, this will tell you at a glance which one you're working with.


Change indicator -- If an asterisk (*) appears next to the database name, this means that the database has been changed and not yet saved to the disk.  (You will rarely see this if you have the Auto-save option turned on.)


Operator -- The currently logged in operator is shown, so you can tell whether or not you're operating under the correct log-in.


Workstation -- If you're authorized for the networking version, the caption will also show the workstation ID and (optional) nickname for this workstation.


Window control buttons -- These are the standard Windows buttons to minimize, maximize/restore, and close the window.  If you've used Windows programs before, you should be familiar with these.


The first button, which looks like an underline character ( _ ), will minimize the window (shrink it to a button on the Windows task bar).  To get it back after minimizing it, just click on its task bar button.


The second button that looks like a box will either be Maximize or Restore, depending on the current state of the window.  Clicking on it once will enlarge (Maximize) the window to fill the entire screen, and clicking it again will restore the window to a smaller size.  In most cases, you will want to keep the window maximized so you can see as many reservations as possible in the Rack view..


The last button, (X), will shut down the program (same as selecting Exit from the File menu).



Main Menu




The main menu is always at the top, just under the program caption.  It contains all of the main functions of the program and is fairly self-explanatory (each function is detailed elsewhere in this manual).






The toolbar is the row of picture icons below the menu.  (It can be turned on and off from the View menu.)  The Toolbar can be used for quick access to the most common top-level functions.  Each of the functions are also available as Menu commands and as function key shortcuts (F2 through F8), so you can turn off the toolbar without losing functionality if you prefer using the menu or if you're comfortable with the keyboard shortcuts.  The icons will normally be shown in color, but will be gray if the option is disabled.  For instance, all but the Log-in button will be gray until an operator is logged in.


New Reservation (Phone) -- This will open the New Reservation dialog, the same as the menu selection Reservations / Add New Reservation.  


New Customer (Faces) -- This opens the customer editing dialog, the same as the menu selection Customers / Add New Customer.  It's handy for adding new customers or for looking up customer information (you can use the Find button on the dialog immediately without adding a new customer).


New Transaction (Cash register) -- This opens either the New Transaction dialog, Unbound Transactions, or the Point of Sale, depending on the Program Options settings.  It's most useful for entering transactions like counter sales, expenses, or other income.


Save Database (Diskette) -- This will instantly save the database, the same as the menu selection File / Save.  This button will be gray (disabled) if you have the Auto-save option enabled, and you should have that option enabled at all times.


Backup Database (Safe) -- This will create a backup copy of the database, the same as the menu selection Maintenance / Back Up Database.  You should make a backup at least once per day, and this button will help you remember to do that since it's right next to the Log-in button.


Log In/Out (Key) -- This is used to log an operator in our out, the same as the Log In/Out menu selection.


Print (Printer) -- This will print the currently visible tab view, the same as the menu selection File / Print (or File / Print Preview if the Always Preview option is enabled).  


Search (Magnifying glass) -- This opens the Search function, which allows you to search the current tab view for a site name or customer name.  This function has no menu equivalent, but can also be invoked with the F9 key or Alt-S.  To search the entire database for a customer or reservation, instead of just searching the current tab view, use the Find Customer and Find Reservation menu functions.



Tab Views (Dynamic Interactive Reports)




This is the main portion of the screen, where most of the action is.  It will fill the remainder of the window between the toolbar and status bar (if present), regardless of the window size.  The "tabs" are like file folder labels across the top of the views -- just select the report you want to view by clicking on its named tab.  The one being viewed will be highlighted with bold text.  The image above shows a typical configuration (currently showing the Rack view), although the tabs are configurable if desired. The operation of each Tab View is discussed in detail in the Dynamic Interactive Report Screens section.



Status Bar




The status bar appears at the very bottom of the window, and can be turned on and off from the View menu. It simply shows short help-hints for menu items (whatever the mouse cursor is hovering over), some progress messages (for instance, "Saving database"), and the state of keys like Caps Lock and Num Lock.  


If you're running the networked version, a small box will be shown at the right side with a heartbeat indicator.  This indicator changes each time a message is sent or received over the network, indicating that it's connected and functioning.  (The character shown is meant to simulate a spinning propeller, in case you're wondering.)  If the network connection is not functioning, an "X" will be shown.


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