Campground Master
Reservation Software for RV Parks and Campgrounds
by Cottonwood Software

Order Campground Master Demo on CD-ROM

This online order form is for ordering a demo CD-ROM. The demo is also free to download and we encourage all-electronic transactions, but if you can't find a way to download it then we charge a nominal $20 fee for the demo CD and shipping to U.S. addresses ($40 outside the U.S.).

Please note that the CD does not have any additional information or tutorials on it -- it's exactly the same thing as if you download the demo from our web site here.

CD-ROM Order Form

Your Name:
E-Mail: Important!

Enter the mailing address below (for Post Office delivery):
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip/Postal Code:

Payment Information:
Card type: Visa     Mastercard     Discover    American Express
Credit card number:
Card owner's name:
Expires (mm/yy):
CVV2 / CVC code :
For Visa, MC and Discover, this code appears on the back of the card -- the last 3 digits printed on your signature strip.
On American Express cards, it's a 4-digit number on the front, above the right side of the account number.

Address Line 1:
If the credit card billing address is different than the shipping address above, enter the billing address below:
Address Line 2:
State/Province: (Please use 2-letter state abbreviations)
Zip/Postal Code:

Order Details: Check the item to order.

Demo CD of current version only ($20 in the U.S., $40.00 outside)
Comments / Notes:

To place the order, click the "Purchase Now" button below. This is NOT fully automated. We will verify the credit card information and respond by E-mail within 24 hours (usually the same day).

If you have any problems using or submitting this form, you can also send an E-mail message to order. See the Contact information page to send an E-mail, and include all of the necessary information in the E-mail message.

For other ordering options, please refer to the main order page

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Campground Master is a registered trademark of Cottonwood Software, LLC