Conversion from 1-way integration

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If you have already been using the 1-way integration with Reservation Friend, then the applicable part of your setup will be transferred automatically.  


The same Site field for the Hercules Space Number of each site is used, so the ones you have filled in will still apply.  However, since you can put your entire site inventory online with the 2-way interface, you should fill in the Hercules Space Numbers for the rest of your sites (and don't forget to enable the sites for online reservations on Hercules, through their Hercules web interface).


Also, a few of the Reservation options, such as the deposit description, operator, and Payment Method will be transferred from your 1-way settings.


If you've set up special Parsing Rules for Adders, such as # adults, # children, etc., those will no longer be used.  You will need to map those adders through the Adders Mapping function (which is actually much easier than the parsing rules).


Other settings from the 1-way interface will no longer be used, such as the parsing rules and the E-mail connection options.  The 2-way interface no longer uses E-mail, so once you've converted then you don't need that POP3 mail box any more.  Also, the Site field for the online release days is no longer used, since it's not necessary to prevent local reservations for "online" sites for certain days in the future.


You should also disable the 1-way interface once you're using the 2-way integration.  While it shouldn't interfere, assuming you don't actually retrieve the reservations with that method any more, disabling the 1-way interface will prevent accidentally downloading reservations the old way.  To disable the 1-way, go to Maintenance / Online Reservations / Other Online Interfaces / Connections & Options / Reservation Friend, and uncheck the "Enabled" box.



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