Right-Click and Double-Click Functions

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Much of the functionality of the program is available through the right-click context menus of the tab views.  (In fact, many functions can only be done through the right-click menus.)  This makes working with reservations extremely fast -- see it, click it, and it's done (in many cases).  


When you right-click on a cell in the grid, a menu will pop up with operations available for the item you clicked on.  This menu will be appropriate for the cell you click on, so it will change depending on which view you are on and which item you click on -- for instance, depending on whether it's the customer name, the site name, a blank cell, etc.  Many times you will see one or more of the menu items "grayed out" (disabled).  This means that some functions are not available for that cell due to its current state.  For instance, you can't cancel a checked-in reservation, so that option will be disabled.  You will also see some options change depending on a reservation's status.  The software attempts to prevent illogical or impossible operations.  See below for an explanation of the functions available through the right-click menus.



Double-Click Functions


In addition to right-click, you can double-click on a cell.  There are two possible results of double-click.  On an "open" cell in the Rack (a site that's available for the date clicked on), double-click will open the New Reservation dialog, with the site and date already filled in.  This is the quickest way to start a new reservation if you can see the desired site and starting date in the Rack view.  The other double-click function is to show a Quick-Info window for the selected reservation or site.  This will happen for any double-click other than on open cells on the Rack.  The Quick-Info window is a temporary window (just click somewhere else or press the ESC key to close it), but it shows most information for a reservation and in some cases will show information not available elsewhere, such as any conflicting reservations for that date.


Note that if the Rack shows an Owner reservation in a cell, the site is still considered available so double-click will start a New Reservation as if the cell was empty (open).



Right-Click Menu Functions


View Reservation Quick-Info and View Site Quick-Info -- These are often the top selection in the menu, and are the same as double-clicking on the cell (opens a quick-info window).


Reservation Details, Customer Details, and Site Details -- These open the respective Details dialogs, where you can view and/or edit any of the corresponding details.  Note that Manager access is required to change the Site Details.


Mark site 'Dirty'/'Clean' -- Only available if the Site Dirty field is enabled, this will set or clear the "Dirty" flag for the site.  If right-clicking on the Site itself on some tabs, like Arrivals and Departures, several other options will be shown to mark multiple sites as clean or dirty.


Site Work Orders -- If you right-clicked on a site name (not some other reservation field), this option will be available to take you to the Work Order list for the Site.


Find all Reservations for the Site -- This will open the Find Reservation dialog and show all reservations for this site (past, present, and future).  This can be handy for seeing who the last person was in the site, or for seeing when the next person is due to arrive, if it's too far in the past or future to see on the rack.  From there you can check the Reservation Details for each one.


View Unassigned reservations for this date -- This option only appears if you right-click on a cell that has "No Site" in it, indicating that one or more reservations exist for this date that have no site assigned.  It will show a list of all unassigned reservations for the given date (similar to viewing the Unassigned tab).


Search Grid for Site/Customer -- This is the same as the Search icon on the toolbar and the Alt-S/F9 function keys.  It will open the Search prompt where you enter the site or customer name to search for.


Change Customer for the reservation -- This is only available if the reservation is a Group reservation and is not yet checked in.  This can be used to change the reservation from the group name to an individual customer before they check in.


Check In and Check Out -- These will let you instantly check in or check out a reservation.  If today's date doesn't seem to match the first or last night of the reservation as appropriate, you will be warned and given the option to change the date in the reservation to today (handy for early check-ins or check-outs).  The Transactions dialog will appear so that you can review the customer's bill and adjust it as needed or print a receipt.


Auto-Checkout today's departures -- This function can only be found on the right-click menu of the Departures tab view.  Selecting this option will check out all reservations currently checked in with a last night equal to yesterday's date (i.e. departing today), provided that their Paid-thru Date is set to their Last Night and they have a $0 reservation balance.  If the reservation has any Guest reservations, they must also have a $0 balance and be due out today or earlier, and the Guests will be automatically checked out also.


Transactions -- This will open the Transactions dialog and allow you to view transactions or enter new transactions for a reservation.  See the section Working with Reservations for more information.


Confirm, Guarantee, or Cancel Reservation -- These do exactly what they say, opening an appropriate dialog as needed.


Assign or Change Site -- This will open the reservation dialog and allow you to assign a new site to a reservation, whether it already had a site assigned or not.


New Reservation for this customer -- This will open the New Reservation dialog for making an additional reservation for the same customer.  The customer information will already be filled in.  This will not affect the current reservation, and is handy for making future reservations for a current customer.


New Reservation -- (Rack view only) -- This option is available if you click on an open (available) site cell on the Rack view.  It is the same as double-clicking on the cell, and opens a New Reservation dialog with the site and start date already selected accordingly.


Reserve for the site owner -- (Rack view only) -- This option will only be shown if you right-click on an owner-type reservation.  This is like New Reservation, except that the owner will automatically be selected as the customer.


Add a Guest to this Reservation -- This will open the New Reservation dialog, but it's used to add a guest reservation.  The site and dates of the selected reservation will be set automatically, so generally you only need to enter the customer information.  You can also change the dates if the guest is not staying as long as the "host".


Linked Reservations -- This is used to add one or more reservations that will be linked to the reservation selected, or to change the type of linkage for the one selected.  See Working with Reservations for more details.


Split Reservation at this date -- (Rack view only) -- Use this to make two reservations out of one, where one reservation ends the day before the date you clicked on, and the other begins on the date you clicked on.  This is useful if you want to move a customer to a new site in the middle of their stay (split it, then use Change Site on the new half), or if they will leave for awhile and come back later (split it, then change the start date of the new half).  If the split date is today or in the future, the second half will not be checked in yet (it will show a Pending status).  If it's in the past, then both halves will keep the checked-in status (assuming it's checked in now).  Note that a split must be done in the normal range of the reservation, not in a Blocked date range.


This is New Start / Last / Blocked Date -- (Rack view only) -- Use one of these three options in current or future reservations to quickly change the reservation dates right on the rack.


Remove Blocked Dates -- (Rack view only) -- If you click on the last date of a blocked range, you can use this option to completely remove the blocked dates from the reservation.


Extend Previous Reservation to this date -- (Rack only, on open site cells) -- Use this to easily extend a reservation (the one immediately preceding the selected cell in the rack) to end on the selected date.  It will add days to the end of the reservation resulting in a longer reservation, rather than change the reservation's start date.  Note that Owner-type reservations are ignored for this function.


Block Previous Reservation to this date -- (Rack only, on open site cells) -- Similar to Extend Previous…, this will add Blocked dates to a reservation (e.g. when you know that the customer might stay until this date but isn't sure yet, and doesn't want to be charged for the additional days yet.)  Note that Owner-type reservations are ignored for this function.


Advance Next Reservation to this date -- (Rack only, on open site cells) -- This will change the start date of the next-in-line reservation on the rack to the selected date. (It will add extra days to the front of the reservation, not change the end date.)  Note that Owner-type reservations are ignored for this function.


Make Site Available / Unavailable this date -- (Rack only, on open site cells) -- This will add or remove dates to the site's dates-unavailable or dates-available list as appropriate, changing the "available" status of the site for the selected day.  This can be useful for scheduling short periods of maintenance on a site, or to indicate that a site was not available due to an emergency or electrical problem (even if it's a date in the past, this can be worthwhile for accurately calculating Occupancy reports).  For longer changes in periods of availability, it may be easier to enter the date ranges manually in the Site Details dialog.


Print or E-mail for this reservation -- (Any view, if right-clicking on a valid reservation cell) -- This allows you to print a single receipt, envelope or other Form for the selected reservation, or if you have SMTP set up for E-mailing then you can E-mail a receipt or other form, or even send a free-form E-mail message.  (The receipt or other format can be selected from the dialog that appears).


Print this view -- This is the same as using the Print icon, or F8, or File / Print from the main menu. It is here primarily for consistency.


Print or E-mail for all reservations -- (all but the Rack and Transactions view) -- In addition to "This View", which is the same as Print this view above, this has options to batch-print mailing labels, envelopes, E-mail lists, or custom forms or receipts for all reservations shown in the current view.  (They can also be filtered further if needed, or you can select which ones to actually print, in the dialog that comes up.)  If you have SMTP set up for E-mailing then you can Batch E-mail receipts or other forms, or even send a free-form E-mail message to everyone shown in the view.


Conflicting Reservation Details -- This option will only appear for conflicting reservations (reservations occupying the same site on the same date), and will be one of the few functions available in that case.  This will show a list of all reservations conflicting with that particular site (using the Find Reservation dialog), so you can edit one or more of them as needed to fix the conflict.


Color Key -- This displays the Color Key dialog so you can see the meanings of the reservation status colors, and to change the colors used.


Grid Lines -- This will turn the grid lines on or off.  A check mark will be shown next to the menu item if the grid lines are currently on.


Flip Orientation -- (Transactions view only) --When showing Summary reports on the Transaction view, you can flip the orientation so that dates are in rows and the category summaries are in columns.  This preference will likely depend on how many dates or how many categories you are summarizing.  The transaction orientation isn't saved in general, but will be saved with any "memorized" transaction reports.


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