Reservation Software for RV Parks and Campgrounds
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Campground Master Customer Sample Maps
Here is a selection of maps that our customers have come up with on their own, to give you some more ideas.
Note that some of these sample maps were drawn on the computer, and some were scanned from a brochure. You'll even see one
that was captured from a satellite image (presumably from Google).
You can use any map that's in computer form, or scanned in from a brochure, drawing, or photo. Or you can draw your
own map similar to these using the Windows Paint program.
Please note: The Campground Master software does not create maps -- it's not a drawing tool, and it can't be used to help you draw the map yourself.
It's up to you to have a map already created (or created by us), which is then used as the background image in Campground Master.
The only thing Campground Master does from there is let you put "indicators" on top of your map for the interactivity -- e.g. circles or rectangles (or in some cases filled areas) that
let you see the status of the site and/or click on it to make a reservation for instance. Please refer to the documentation for more details.
Click on any map for a full-size view.
Even use Campground Master to book show tickets:
... or Marinas...
... or Flea Markets...
Customers, if you have created a map and would like us to showcase it, let us know!
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"I am so excited I just had to email you right away. I got the new map to work:
I created a site map of the park using "Paint" from Windows. Since I'm an
amateur artist anyway, I found it fun. I love being able to print
it out at the end of the day to show next day's availability of sites --- we were
doing this by hand everyday!!"
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