Campground Master
Reservation Software for RV Parks and Campgrounds
by Cottonwood Software

Order Campground Master CD-ROM

This online order form is only for ordering a CD-ROM of the current version.

This assumes that you have an existing license, and also requires that you are licensed for the current release. (If your initial order or latest upgrade was more than 1 year ago, then you may need to order an updated license first -- see the link below.)

If you don't have a Campground Master license yet, use this form to order.
If you need to order another year of updates, use this form.
If you need to add additional options to your license, use this form.

After entering your information below, we will send you an E-mail confirming the order and total amount. The CD-ROM will be shipped to you within 2 days, via First Class mail (or Air Mail for outside the U.S.).

CD-ROM Ordering Details

The initial purchase of Campground Master, or a subsequent upgrade, includes 1 year of free downloadable upgrades. If you would like a CD-ROM of the current version, you can place an order here.

Important! -- If your annual upgrade license expires before the current release date, you will need to renew your upgrades for another year before installing the current version -- ordering a CD-ROM does not include an upgraded license. (See View / Product Authorizations in the program to check your free upgrades license date.)
Click here to order an upgrade online with a credit card, or see the Order information page for other ordering options.

CD-ROM Pricing

Single CD-ROM delivery of current version
Price includes shipping and handling.

Arizona businesses add 8.8% sales tax.

CD-ROM order Form

Your Name:
E-Mail: Important!

Enter the mailing address below (for Post Office delivery):
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip/Postal Code:

Payment Information:
Card type: Visa     Mastercard     Discover    American Express
Credit card number:
Card owner's name:
Expires (mm/yy):
CVV2 / CVC code :
For Visa, MC and Discover, this code appears on the back of the card -- the last 3 digits printed on your signature strip.
On American Express cards, it's a 4-digit number on the front, above the right side of the account number.

Address Line 1:
If the credit card billing address is different than the shipping address above, enter the billing address below:
Address Line 2:
State/Province: (Please use 2-letter state abbreviations)
Zip/Postal Code:

Order Details: Check the item to order.

CD of current version (Add $20 in U.S., $30 Canada, $40 elsewhere)
Comments / Notes:

To place the order, click the "Purchase Now" button below. This is NOT fully automated. We will verify the credit card information and respond by E-mail within 24 hours (usually the same day).

If you have any problems using or submitting this form, you can also send an E-mail message to order. See the Contact information page to send an E-mail, and include all of the necessary information in the E-mail message.

For other ordering options, please refer to the main order page

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Campground Master is a registered trademark of Cottonwood Software, LLC