Merchandise Rates

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If you have the Point of Sale option, you probably won't want to enter merchandise through the Rates Setup.  Otherwise, you can set up any number of rates that are actually merchandise items.  This saves time when entering sales of fixed-cost items like RV supplies and dump services, or fixed-rate things like propane.


Once you have Merchandise rates set up, all rates with this type will be shown in Select Rates when you choose the "Merchandise" rate type at the top of that dialog.  In addition, when you open Unbound Transactions, for instance by clicking the cash register icon in the toolbar, it will show all merchandise rates by default.  This makes it easy to pick the selected rate end enter a quantity.


Setting up a merchandise rate is similar to setting up a fixed fee rate.  To add Propane as a merchandise item at $1.299 per gallon:


1. Click Add rate definition.


2. Select "Merchandise" in the Rate Type field.


3. Enter "Propane" in the Description field.


4. Click the Charge button.


5. Select (click on) "Propane" from the drop-down category list (or whatever category you might have added for this).


6. Press the Tab key to change to the Description field, and change it if you want (e.g. "Propane per gallon").


7. Press the Tab key twice to get to the Each field (no Qty is necessary).


8. Enter the amount per unit, not including taxes, for instance "1.299". Notice that you can include the fractional cents as added decimal places.  It will show up to 4 places in the dialog, but the number will actually be stored and used for calculations exactly as you enter it.


9. Press the Tab key to accept the amount.


10. Check the boxes for one or more taxes under Auto-add tax, if they apply.


11. Click the Save button.


This is a simple example but should cover most merchandise issues.




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


 Weekly and Monthly Rates


 Monthly Pro-rate


 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


 Discount for Good Sam


 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


 Special Reservation Types


 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


Next in sequence:

 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



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