Monthly Pro-rate

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If you have Monthly Rates but want to pro-rate any extra days when they stay a month or more, then you wouldn't want it to use the weekly and daily rates as mentioned above.  So you may want to add a fixed amount per day when they stay 1 month (we'll assume 30 days) or more:


1.  Assuming you added the Basic Daily rate in the earlier example, selected that and click Copy Selected Rate(s).  This will make a duplicate rate definition so we don't have to do everything over again.  (Otherwise follow that example first and then make the changes below.)


2. Select the new copy (click to highlight it), then click Edit rate definition.  (Or you can just double-click on it to edit it.)


3. Change the Description field to "Daily pro-rate, Normal RV".


4. Select (click on) the Description field, and change it to "Normal RV, daily pro-rate").


5. Press the Tab key twice to get to the Each field, and enter the amount (e.g. "10").


6. Press the Tab key to accept the amount.


7. Enter "31" in the Applies if >= .... Days field.  This will force this rate to be skipped unless they're staying more than 30 days (see below).


8. Everything else is the same, so click the Save button.


9. This rate should still be highlighted in the rates list, so click the Move Up button until it's above the weekly rate but below the Monthly rate.  This is important so the monthly rate takes precedence, and if they stay extra days it will use this rate for the additional days instead of the normal weekly or daily rate.


Note that we're using 30 days as the definition of a month here, so technically this would only work correctly if you defined your monthly rate to always be for 30 days instead of a calendar month.  It would also work OK for calendar months as long as you still want to charge a fixed amount per day for extra days (regardless of the length of the month), except for February, because it will skip this rate if they stay 29 days (Feb 1st to March 1st).  


If you use calendar months for your monthly rate, then you will need to set up a separate pro-rated rate for February.  You would duplicate this rate, change the Applies-if days to 29, and enter "3/1 to 3/30" in the Season dates applicable field.  Why enter March dates?  Because if they stayed the full month of February, the extra days would be in March so this rate must apply to those days, not the February days.  Note that if they stay the full month of March, it would apply the monthly rate for March anyway.


Alternatively, you may want to use a pro-rated amount that's based on the number of days in the month -- e.g. for a 31-day month, divide the monthly rate by 31 instead of 30.  In this case you'll need to create 3 separate Rate definitions for 28, 30, and 31 day pro-rates.  In each one, you'll need to set the Season Dates Applicable field for the dates that rate applies to (e.g. "2/1 to 2/28" for the 28-day month pro-rate, "1/1 to 1/31, 3/1 to 3/31, 5/1 to 5/31, 7/1 to 7/31....", etc for the 31-day months, and so on).




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


 Weekly and Monthly Rates


Next in sequence:

 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


 Discount for Good Sam


 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


 Special Reservation Types


 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


 Merchandise Rates


 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



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