Special Reservation Types

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So far the Rate examples assume that all of your reservations are just general reservations (eg. "Normal" type), or variations on those that don't really affect the rate you charge ("Monthly" or "Group").  The Resv Types selection in the example rates has always been left with these defaults.  You could change the monthly and pro-rated rates to only apply to "Monthly" reservation types if you prefer, to help keep things separate.  Of course you would need to remember to set the reservation type appropriately for the reservations themselves.


You might also have special types of reservations like Seasonal that need separate rates (see below), or special cases that have no other easy way to qualify the rate it should use like a "Grandfathered" rate for certain people, or a special rate for "Online" reservations.  It's often best to create special Reservation Types for these (see the Pick Lists), which not only lets you specify appropriate rates but also allows more detailed reporting.  


Once you've created the special Reservation Types needed, you can define rates that apply to only those reservation types.  This is simply a matter of selecting the appropriate Resv Types in the rate definition.  


Be sure to check all of your rates to make sure there's no missing Resv Types that should be selected, or accidental overlap (rates applying to reservation types that it shouldn't) -- and remember that if the Resv Types selection is blank, the rate will apply to ALL reservation types.




Other examples:


 Basic Daily Rate


 Weekly and Monthly Rates


 Monthly Pro-rate


 Add-on for 50A service


 Add-on for Extra Adults, Children, etc


 Discount for Good Sam


 Weekend vs. Weekday Rates


 Special Season or Holiday Rates


Next in sequence:

 Seasonal Stays


 Rates for Fixed Fees


 Merchandise Rates


 Electric Meter Rates (also Water and Gas Meters)



Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/special-reservation-types.html

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